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/s there real/y a God "out
there" who hears-who an–
swers? ls prayer stí/1 mean–
ingful in the twentieth
century? The answer to both
questions is a resounding
yes. Here are keys lo help you
contact the living Creator and
Supreme Ruler of the universe!
Roderick C. Meredith
he atheist doesn't receive any
answers because he doesn't
bother to pray. The agnostic re–
ceives no answers because he's not
sure that God really exists.
Fair enough.
But what about the average be–
lieving churchgoer in today's
"Christianity"? Why doesn't he get
more answers? Why is he so often
unsure if God is really listening, or
caring, or intending to answer?
Common Examples
The late Philip Wylie in his memo–
rable book
described fic–
titious American twin cities under
atomic attack. He detailed with
shattering effect the aftermath of an
atomic explosion: the destruction of
the central-ci ty areas, the polluted
water and food, and the subsequent
fanning out to the countryside of the
lawless and hungry mobs- now bent
on burglary, murder and rape in a
situation that approached anarchy.
HeaTing of civil insurrection,
Farmer Brown armed hirnself with
his shotgun to protect his home and
foodstuffs, and especially his wife
and teenage daughters. But the mob
shot hirn from behind, broke into
his home, and looked menacingly at
his wife and daughters.
"Let us pray, children," the
mother intoned.
But, Wylie concluded the chapter
dramatically, "God wasn't hearing
any prayers that night."
How often have you heard, or
known of, or experienced times like
that when it seemed that
God just
wasn't answering?
How often have
you or others prayed for various
causes, and your , or their, desires
just weren't granted?
God ls Not Whimsical
The true answer to the dilemma in–
volves an understanding of the na–
ture of God, of His will, and of His
The Creator is a God of !ove and
concern, and also of design, of
beauty, of harmony, and of con–
"For 1 am the L ord, 1
change not,
"says God (Mal. 3:6).
Consider: In war, how could God
answer the prayers of bishops and
chaplains on one side asking His
blessing and protection for their
troops , while at the same time grant
the prayers of opposing bishops and
chaplains asking the same blessing
for their side? What of similar cross–
purposes in peace?
Whom will-whom can-God an–
God says in His Word to the ma–
jority of mankind: "Your iniquities
have separated between you and
your God, and your sins have bid
his face from you, that he will not
hear" (Isa. 59:2). So how can He
turn right a round and answer the
prayers of those who persist in living
in a sinful, unchristian way of life?
He can' t! For God is logical and
God Hears the Obedlent
Tbis, then, is the first of the vital
keys to effective prayer-and those
who have put it to use know it
works: Obey God. God's Word tells
us : "And whatsoever we ask, we re–
ceive of him, because we keep
commandments, and do those
things that are pleasing in his sight"
John 3:22).
Frankly, most modero "Chris–
tians" don't take the Ten Com–
mandments literally. A "little" lying
or stealing, a " little" cheating on
their wives or husbands, a "little"
lusting, hating, fighting, cursing–
they think these things aren't seri–
ous. But, as we have already seen,
God says our s ins-our tran s–
gressions of His law
John 3:4)–
have separated us from Him so He
will not hear!
God hears the person who is truly
repentant and is
turning from
sins (Luke 18: 13-14). He does not
expect "instant perfection." Rather
He tells us: "But
in grace,
and in the knowledge of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ" (II Peter
3: 18).
So come before God and say
(perhaps your first prayer that's
bound to be answered): "Father in
heaven, I'm weak, but from hence–
forth 1will sincere ly try to keep your
commandments and walk in your
paths. I want to serve you; I want to
be like you; and with your help I'm
going to make progress. Please, al–
mighty, all-powerful God, hear my
If you really mean it, and you are
studying God's Word and learning