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e've hea rd so much bad
news tha l sorne wo nd e r–
full y GOOD NEWS SOOn to
come oughl to be welcome! And
Ma ny do nol rea lize it. bul ma ny
prophecies in lhe Bi ble a pply liter–
a lly lO the nations of the U.S., Brit–
a in , Ca n a d a, Aus t ra l ia. N ew
Zea la nd a nd Soulh Africa today–
a nd even to the na tions of WESTERN
Eu ROPE! To understa nd, you need
to read our free booklet
The United
States and British Commonwea/th in
11 shows you exactl y
WHEREwe a re me ntioned in lhe bíb–
lica! prophecies!
The se pr o ph ec i es turn the
searchlight on our countries TODAY.
They pul! no punches! They de–
scribe our EVJLS and their causes.
And then, in lhis same Bible, lhe
Book o f God , it tells us how we a re
lo be FORGIVEN by an a ll -loving and
merciful Goo-our
cha nged–
and tells of the wonders, the glo ries,
the peace, happiness, joy, a nd a bun–
da n! a nd universal well -being tha t
are coming- a nd not
to our na–
tions. but to
al/ nations!
Men are no l like God . Me n do
no t o fte n return good fo r evil. But
you a nd 1 now live in the very gen–
era lio n when this good news is com–
ing !
1 was riding in a car in New
Delhi , India, one day. lt seemed a
strange sight. Cows were wa lking
leisurely a ll over the streets, a nd in
the sidewalks beside the streets.
" Don't these cows all belong 10
some body?" l asked my driver.
"Oh yes, lhey belong lo ma ny dif–
ferent owners," he answered .
" But how do lhe owners find their
own cows and herd them into their
own sbeds a l nighl?"
"Oh," he a nswered , " they don' t.
Ma ny would not even know which
cows a re theirs. But each cow knows
its owner a nd where it belongs a t
Immediat e ly 1 th o ug ht of a
pro phecy God gave a bo ut OUR
heavens. a nd
give ear, O earth : fo r the ETERNAL
hath spoken, 1 have nourished a nd
brought up children, a nd they have
rebelled against me. The ox know–
eth his owner, a nd the ass his mas–
ter's crib: bul ... my people do th
not consider. Ah sinful na tion, a
Personal from ...
The Good News
Coming Soon!
people laden with iniquily, a seed of
evi ldoers. children that are corrup–
ters: they have forsa ken the ETER–
NAL, they have provoked the Ho ly
One of Israel unto a nger. they a re
gone away backward. Why should
ye be stricken a ny more? Ye will
revolt mo re a nd mo re : tbe who le
head is sick, a nd the who le heart
fa int" (lsa. 1:2-5).
Back in the days of Moses. God
put a proposition- a proposal o f
marriage- to Israel. He offered them
a COVENANT (known a s the "Old
Covenant" ) which was actually a
MARRIAGE covenant, and al lhe
same time set up those lsraelites de–
livered out of Egyptian slavery as
one of the world's nations. They be–
came Goo's nation. Upon obedi–
ence to His govemment's laws, they
were prornised they would become
the wealthiest, most powerful, mos t
peaceful and ha ppy na tion on ea rth .
He gave them NOspiritua l promises
of salva tion o r eterna! life. but s u–
preme NATIONAL promises- above
a ll nations.
But wbat does God through J e re–
miah say of His "wife's" conduc1?
" . .. Thou bast played the harlo t
with many lovers [milita ry a llies];
yet return again to me, saith the
ETERNAL [implying forgiveness a nd
receiving His "wife' ' back upon re–
pentance]. Lift up thine eyes unto
the high places [places of ido latrous
wo rship], a nd see where thou hast
no t been líe n with. In the ways has t
thou sat fo r them . . . a nd tbou bas t
polluted the la nd with thy whore–
d o m s a nd w ith th y w ic k e d–
n ess.... thou refu seds t to b e
ashamed . Will he [God] reserve his
a nger fo r ever? Will he keep it to the
end?" (J er. 3: l -3, 5.)
Let's stop right here and UNDER–
STAND this.
We have a CREATION- this earth ,
our moon, the other planets of our
sola r sys tem with our sun. Our solar
system is a small part of a GALAXY.
Th ere are thousands of other galax–
ies far. fa r o ff in space- each with its
suns, which appear a s small stars to
us because o f their tremendous dis–
tance. The phys ical universe is END–
LESS- g reate r than our minds can
grasp. A CREATION demands the
preexistence o f a CREATOR. There
was PLANNJNG, design- PURPOSE.
Th ere is a REASON for what the Cre–
a to r d id.
T h is earth, as only a FEW know.
o rig ina lly was popula ted by angels.
But the re was PURPOSE! Grea t ac–
complis hment was planned fo r
them. This o f course demanded law
and orde r- ha rmony-all pulling to–
gether for the ir grand accomplisb–
me nt. So the CREATOR set over them
(Continued on page 40)