Page 3539 - 1970S

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Garner Ted Armstrong
Let's Clear the AirAbout
rends have been irrevocably set
in motion which may well bring
about the dismantling of civ–
ilization as it is presently known in
southern Africa.
All of this is quite bewildering to
the whites of Rhodesia, South Af–
rica and South West Africa. From
thei r point of view they see big
power sanctions, political pressure,
threats and other methods being
employed to bring about the torced
cessation of "white minority rule."
They are hated from all sides-the
ascendant Communist East, the
strident Third World, and the flabby,
flaccid, weak-willed West.
The irony in all of this should be
obvious to anyone who is even cur–
sorily acquainted with the recent
histories of other governments, not
only in Africa, but in many other
parts of the world.
To millions of Americans, the en–
torced "solution" of majority rule
for the southern African nations,
brought about by various political
and commercial impositions of the
Western powers, is quite a satis–
factory one. That way, we can have
the whole world "tidied up," and
walk about with the sure knowledge
that there no longer exists, any–
where on the earth, one of the most
detestable forms of government to
be found anywhere: a "white mi–
nority government ' '!
These same millions are smugly
unaware of the fact that there are
dozens of
minority govern–
minority govern–
ments, and various and sundry
minority governments of every eth–
nic and ideological stripe all over
the world.
A case in point: A recent issue of
Reader's Digest
contained one of
the most grisly articles ever pub–
lished in its history. The article
showed how perhaps as many as
one million human beings-or
more- have been systematically
butchered, staNed, shot or clubbed
to death just since the summer of
1975 in the nation of Cambodia!
The full story, in all its grotesque
horror, reminds one vividly of the
gruesome tales of such torture
camps as Buchenwald, Auschwitz
or Dachau during the dark days of
Hitler's Third Reich.
lt is nauseating reading, to say
the least, and leaves one with an
unspeakable sense of shock and
outrage at the insane, brutal rape of
gentle rural folk who have been
systematically uprooted and
"reeducated" by their Communist
In that brutal ly "pacified" land
whole populations of vi llages were
shot or bayoneted to death, with
the men, women and children all
walking docilely to a spot where
they were instructed to kneel be–
tween two soldiers to wait their turn
to be bayoneted front and back,
in ful l view of countless others
await ing their own grisly end.
The elite Communist minority
rulers of this country are today
firmly ensconced in power. Their
impoverished nation is recognized
as a member of the United Nations,
and there is not one whisper of out–
rage in any official publication.
There are no demonstrations out–
side the White House or at national
monuments, no cries of outrage in
the press, no trade boycotts, no
demonstrations on campuses to
mark the passing of more than one
million hapless human beings
whose only crime was to have been
in the wrong place at the wrong
time when a Communist govern–
ment took over.
Further to this repulsive spec–
tacle, if not in the same grotesque
proportions, has been the system–
atic rape and virtual destruction of
country after country in Africa
which bows its head under brutal
black minority government. The
one most recent case is, of course,
the insane brutality of the ego–
maniacalldi Amin of Uganda.
Uganda is composed of about 40
different tribes. Amin is of the
Kakwa tribe, one of the country's
most backward ethnic groups.
Deeply fearful of threats to his
regime from the more edu–
cated Lango and Acholi tribes,
Amin's 5,000-man "death squad"
has been massacring thousands of
members of the two rival groups in
one ot
Africa's most systematic
genocides. According to sorne re–
ports, Amin's security torces have
been running amok in the northern
provinces, ki lling and looting at will.
The 500-house Acholi vi llage of
Akoro-the home of former Presi–
dent Milton Obote, who was over–
thrown by Amin in 1971-was
reported burned to the ground, and
every person in it, including women
and children , killed.
" Amin is destroying in a few days
what it took Uganda 80 years to
bu ild," said a former government
official, an Achol i, who was once
one of Amin's confidants.
Est imates of the number of
people killed in Uganda since 1971
range as high as 300,000! Refu-