Knighr - Fleld Museum ol Natural History
history. The
just don't allow it.
even when Noah's Flood is invoked
asan explanation.
1: There is a vast difference
between the world of man and that of
the dinosaurs.
We live in a world dominated by
mammals, birds and men. But
imagine an environment filled with
enormous creatures covered wi th ar–
mor. hellish flyi ng reptiles with 50-
foot wingspans, and rapacious 50-
foot-long sea serpents.
Truly, dinosaurs would be out of
place in today's world. The world in
which dinosaurs roamed was in
most respects utterly un like our
own. Man would fee l strange and
foreign in that world- as if he had
landed on another planet!
Not long ago James
paleontologist at Brigham Young
University. may have díscovered the
biggest dinosaur of them all in
Colorado. The find ind icates an 80-
ton, 50-foot-tall, 100-foot-long su–
persized creature once inhabited the
area. Certainly, dinosa urs were
strikingly different from the animals
we find
our modero world. Yet a
lot of fu ndamentalists would tell
you that Adam and his descendants
literally lived wi th the dinosaurs.
Fact #2: T he world of the dinosaurs
and the modero world of mammals are
not intermixed in the fossil record.
Dinosaurs are not found in just
any stratum of rocks. They are
found in what has been labeled the
Mesozoic. The Mesozoic strata are
said to represen! the
age of reptiles
for that reason.
But in the geologic column, dino–
saurs are
found past the up–
per-Cretaceous strata-never in the
more recent Cenozoic strata, which
are associated with men and mam–
mals. Paleontologist Bjorn Kurten
notes: "The dinosaurs were with us
until the
very end
of the Cretaceous;
in our minds we may picture the
great sauropods, the herds of tri–
ceratops, and the soli tary, hungry
Tyrannosaurus, and fee l the ground