Page 349 - 1970S

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The OTHER Side of
India is POTENTIALLY one of the world's wealthiest nations.
Few realize that she is one of the richest countries in the world
in arable farmlands , in cattle, in natural resources such as water
and minerals, and in the most valuable commodity of all–
when effectively used
her tremendous HUMAN resources .
Raymond F. McNair
New Delhi, lndia
HJS is my second visit to India -
currently traveling with PLAJN
TRUTH Editor Herbert W. Arm–
strong and his party. Once again, we are
pleased and heartcncd to scc India's
seemingly unlimitcd potential. This
natíon and its tccming millions are
beginning to move toward greatcr mod–
ernízation and greater industrialization.
On severa! different occas10ns Mr.
Armstrong and 1 have discussed the fact
that the people of India are intellígcnt,
talented people - and, incidentally, a
vcry handsome people. Of coursc, this
does not apply - either in India or in
any other country - to that segment of
the population which is woefully undcr–
fed and poorly dad.
But when one sces the bcttcr-fed,
bctter-clothcd, better-educated people of
India, he cannot help being greatly
by their intelligence, warmth,
sparkle, and vitality - by the overall
ability and comeliness of the people of
this vast land.
On this current visit to India we have
cncountered numerous examples of this
innate Indian ability- especially during
our tour from New Delhi to Agra.
Natural Artisans
Many Indians have a natural talent
for arts and crafts. They excell in jobs
requiring manual dexterity.
Especially skilled are craftsmen in
wood carving and metal working. Sorne
of the world's most beautiful and