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Would men be torn limb from limb, thrown to wild
beasts, perhaps drawn and quartered, and even hung upside down in
horrible martyrdom for something they knew to be
a carefully contrived, dellberate hoax?
!asted, but now they were about
ready to go their own ways. back to
their respective jobs and previous
positions, and simply give ·up the
whole thing.
Knowing these facts. is it then
even remotely possible to believe
tha t these same disciples could have
been so filled with power and deep–
down conviction of the truth of the
resurrection of Jesus Chri st tha t
they went out fervently preaching it
against all opposition, and even a t
the expense of their lives?
Would men be torn limb from
limb. thrown to wild beasts, perhaps
drawn and quartered, and even
hung upside down in horrible mar–
tyrdom for something they knew to
be a carefully contrived, deliberate
Certainly no t! No, not by the
wildest stretch of a fool's imagina–
tion could the happenings recorded
in the book of Acts have taken place
if these dedicated men had known
they were suffering such terrible tor–
tures for a cause they knew to be a
lie, for a leader they knew to be a
hoaxer. and for a hope they knew to
be false.
The mere suggestion tha t Christ 's
disciples stole His body so defies a ll
logic, reason and the true facts that
it is ludicrous.
Remember another ironclad fact :
The early New Testament apostles,
who first preached and published
the story that Jesus had stepped out
of His tomb, firmly believed it to be
to tally true. They were not res ting
thei r faith on the empty tomb a lone,
but upon supematura l, miraculous
appearances of the ri sen Christ on
many different occasions.
Doubting Thomas had actually
investigated His wounds. Christ had
appeared to over 500 brethren at
the same time. He had suddenly ap–
peared in a room. with locked doors,
where the disciples were meeting.
Living Eyewltnesses
Yes, Jesus Ch ri st of Nazareth
seen alive after
His resurrection no t
once or twice but at least ten times.
as recorded in the New Testament.
He was seen not just by one individ–
ual alone. whose words might be
doubted, but by groups of two,
seven, ten, e leven and even 500
people at once!
The real basis of the true Chris–
tian faith was the literal , bodily
(though an immorta l spi rit-body)
resurrection of Jesus Christ. For
sorne thirty years a fterwards, these
people had no written records of
Christ's resurrection. Ra ther, they
had personal a ttesta tion, living eye–
witnesses, and príva te experiences
of their own upon which to base
their faith. They rested their case on
what they knew they had seen with
their own eyes.
The resurrection of Jesus was a
much di scussed. well-known event–
a t least in that immediate area of
the Middle East. Remember what
the apostle Paul said before King
Agrippa: " For the king knoweth of
these things (the events surrounding
and including the resurrection of
Christ], before whom also 1 speak
freely: for 1 am persuaded that none
of these things are hidden from
him; for
this thing was not done in a
(Acts 26:26).
Earlier in the same conversation
(verse 8), Paul looked Agrippa right
the eye and asked him: "Why
should it be thought a thing incred–
ible with you. that God should raise
the dead?"
l f you simply can't bring yourself
to believe it.
you are denying
very cornerstone of Christianity.
Christ be not raised,
your Jaith is
ye are yet in your sins." O
(To Be Continued)
Here are answers lo questions about
lile and death-and the purpose and
plan for it all . These informativa publi·
cations are offered without cost or obli·
gation. We 'd like to share this importan!
understanding with you.
Why Were You Born?
Why was humanity pul here on earth
in the first place? Here is the answer
that science has never discovered and
traditional rellgion has altogether over–
Do You Havean tmmortal Soul?
Why is there so much confusion
about what man is? What happens to a
human be1ng at death? Does death
separata an "immortal soul " from the
body? This booklet answers questions
tha t have perplexed millions.
The Resurrection
Not on Sunday
Was Jesus Christ in the grave three
days and three nights as He said? Can
you figure three days and three nights
between sunset Good Friday and sun–
rise Easter Sunday?
The Plaín Truth About Easter
ls " Easter" really a Christian name?
Here is the true explanation of the ori–
gln and meaning of Lent. Easter eggs
and sunnse services.
Ambassador Col/ege
Correspondence Course
In addition to the free booklets listed
above, we also offer these twelve prac–
tica!, easy-to-read lessons which ex–
plain the proven biblical answers lo
life's most fundamental and puzzling
questions. No assignments to send in.
You review and evaluate your own
progress al home.
To request your copies of all this free
literatura. simply write lo
The Plain
111 .
Pasadena. California
91 123. (lnternational addresses are on
the inside front cover.)