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drink water; but they were not satis–
fied: yet
have ye not returned unto
saith the Eterna!" (Amos 4:7-8).
Power That Controla the Weather
Does the real answer, then, lie out–
side of science? Is there a force, a
power, which ultimately controls the
weather, and for reasons which men
and nations have not ye t seen?
Scripture after scripture in your
Bible shows that God controls the
weather- and that He exercises the
awesome power of earthly forces al
certain times and in certain places
to give blessings for righteousness–
or cursings to nations according to
their national sins.
Look at what the Bible reveals:
"The Lord is slow to anger, and
great in power, and will not at all
acquit the wicked:
the Lord hath his
way in the whirlwind and in the
and the clouds are the dust of
his feet. He rebuketh lhe sea, and
makelh it dry, and
drieth up al! the
Bashan languishelh, and Car–
mel. and the fiower of Lebanon lan–
guisheth" (Nahum 1:3-4).
"From the south comes the rain ;
from the north, the cold. God blows
upon the rivers, and even the widest
torrents freeze. He loads the clouds
with moisture and they send forth
his lightning. The lightning bolts are
directed by bis hand, and do what–
ever he commands throughout the
He sends rhe storms as punish–
ment, or, in his lovingkindness, to en–
(Job 37:9-13,
The Living
On one hand God promises: "If
ye walk in my statutes, and keep my
commandments, and do them: then
1 will give you rain in due season,
and the 1and shall yield her in–
crease, and the trees of the field
shall yield their fruit" (Lev. 26:3-4).
On the other hand: "And 1 will
break the pride of your power; and
will make your heaven as iron, and
your earth as brass:
and your
strength shall be spent in vain: for
your land shall not yield her in–
crease. neither shall the trees of the
land yield their fruits'' (verses 19-
"And thy heaven that is over thy .
head shall be brass, and the earth
that is under thee shall be iron. The
Lord shall make the rain of thy land
powder and dust: from heaven shall
it come down upon thee. until thou
be destroyed" (Deut. 28:23-24).
Warnings Sure
But why would God be cursing us at
this time? Aren't we a "Christian
If we are then something is dras–
tically wrong! America is disgraced
with the worst crime record of any
"civilized" people anywhere in the
world. Our basic institutions-the
home, the school and the church–
reel under the staggering blows of
disintegrating morals, skyrocketing
crime and materialistic, self-cen–
tered values.
Longtime readers of
The Plain
know that this Work has been
faithfully prophesying that such up–
side-down weather disasters would
strike; that serious
plague our people in the mid-70s,
and we were saying so clear back in
the 60s and even before!
until now,
God has not chosen
to intervene on a wide scale to teach
us a lesson. Instead, God has
allowed our people to enjoy fully
200 years of peace and unprece–
dented national prosperity.
But our Bicentennial is now past.
Now as never before it is time for
our people to
and to see that
there is a direct connection between
the way we live and the weather we
have begun to experience.
Centuries ago. Solomon prayed at
the consecration of the Temple:
"When the heaven is shut up, and
there is no rain, because they have
sinned against thee; yet if they pray
toward this place. and confess thy
name, and
turn from their sin, when
thou dost affiict them;
then hear
thou from heaven. and forgive the
sin of thy servants, and of thy
people Israel, when thou hast taught
them the good way. wherein they
should walk;
and send rain upon thy
which thou hast given unto thy
people for an inh eritance"
Chron. 6:26-27).
Dlvlne lnterventlon
God 's Word shows. again and
again, that He is able to
intervene in
the weather
as well as for
shows that He has
rain as well as sent floods,
hurricanes, typhoons (torrential
rains), crop disease, insect infesta-
tion. and other so-called "natural
disasters" when God's people have
forgotten Him and abandoned
themselves to an orgy of lawlessness
and materialistic goals!
Solomon went on to pray: " l f
there be dearth in the land , if there
be pestilence, if there be blasting, or
mildew, locusts, or caterpillers; if
their enemies besiege them in the
cities of their land; whatsoever sore
or whatsoever sickness there be:
then what prayer or what supplica–
tion soever shall be made of any
man, or of all thy people Israel.
when every one shall know his own
sore and his own grief. and shall
spread forth his hands in this house:
then hear thou from heaven thy
dwe lling place. and forgive. and
render unto every man according to
all his ways, whose heart thou
knowest; (for thou only knowest the
hearts of the children of men:) 1hat
lhey may fear thee. to walk in 1hy
ways. so long as they live in lhe land
which lhou gavest unto our falhers"
(verses 28-31 ).
God does not change (Mal. 3:6;
Heb. 13:8). His ear is still open 10
such a prayer. One would think
then. as one views the whole scene
of 1he terrible record-breaking
droughl lhal gripped North Amer–
ica. England, Europe, and olher
parts of 1he world during lhe sum–
mer of 1976, lo be followed by one
of lhe most incredible and record–
breaking winters in all of hislory in
early 1977. that people would begin
to get the message and
get down on
their knees!
But no, true 10 the prophecies of
Amos, even though Almigh1y God
is allowing the terrible consequences
of our own sins to come upon us. we
still as a nation are not returning 10
Write for our free booklet
United States and British Common–
wealth in Prophecy.
It tells in
graphic terms who we are as a
people, for we have not known our
heritage. our "roots." As Black
Americans are discovering their
roots. the rest of Americans need to
know who they really are, and how
they carne to possess the fabulous
birthright they have taken so much
for granted. This booklet also warns
what will happen to our people
/ess we change.
The PLAIN TRUTH April 1977