Can everyone be a success?
Picture yourself five years from now, doing
just exactly what you'd like to do with your
life. Imagine this scene in sharpest detail.
Now take pen and paper, and write out
what it is you'd like to accomp lish or be–
come . Congratulations! With this little exer–
cise, you have just discovered one of the
most importaAt "secrets" of success- that
of setting goals! You see,
success is
not based on luck, on intimidation, or on
"fooling most of the people most of the
time." The secret of suc–
cess is no secret at all.
Anyone can be success–
ful - anyone, that is, who
is willing to apply. a few
basic principies. A free
The Seven Laws
of Success,
clearly ex–
plains these vital keys and shows how you
can beg in to apply them immediately. Use
the coupon below to request your copy.
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