Page 3327 - 1970S

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" The fact remains that the United
States is the one that holds 99% of
the cards of this game in its hands.
We have to deal with whom the
American people elect. This is their
right, and we have to cont inue and
let us hope. l'm optimistic, aga1n l'm
optimistic. ' ·
Anwar el Sadat
" About 3% of the total surtace area
of Egypt is cultivated. The rest is
desert. . .. In the last
years we
have reclaimed a total geographic
area of about 950,000 acres of
" Egypt can leed herself with the
exception of coarse grains. We
cannot suffice the increasing popu–
lation by its requirements of wheat
and coarse grains.. ..
" 1
think we will stay a free impar–
ter of coarse grains - in the form of
wheat. corn, lentils, beans, etc. Be–
cause as population increases, our
requirements also change and in–
crease with it.
" 11
we look at agriculture as it
stands now, we may say that there
is a certain competition between
the forage crops needed for ani–
mals working in the field and for the
land that could be used for the pro–
duction of agriculture commodities
for the population.... We believe
that this would yield an increase in
agriculture productivity by say from
40% to 60% of the existing stan–
dards. Especially in cotton, wheat,
corn, and rice."
Dr. Osman Badran
Mlnlster of Agrlculture
"We cannot depend upon our own
resources to cope with the military
requ iremen t , the investment re–
quirements, and the payment of
high debt service abroad. So, it
heavy industry is
in Alexandria. Workers (top) pour
molten metal into pig iron molds.
A Cairo youth' (center right) ties
stee/ reinforcing bars together in the
construction of a bridge
memorating Egypt's military achieve–
ments during the wa r of October
1973. Laborers (center left and bot–
tom) are rebuilding the war-ravaged
city of lsmalia, a city midway along
the Suez Canal.