Page 3306 - 1970S

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POWER STRUGGLE fol/owing the death of Mao Tse–
tung climaxed in the purge of tour top " radical " party
leaders, including
Mao 's
widow Chiang Ching, seen in
caricature (below) with her three col/eagues during a
demonstration in support of the new Chairman, Hua
Kuo-feng. EUROPE'S WORST DROUGHT in over 150 years
(right) dried fields and crops in Bri ta in, France, Belgium,
northern Ita/y, and West Germany. Drought also hit im–
portant U.
S .
Midwest and Western regions.
Washington ... London ... Peking ... Beirut ... Tokyo ... Guatemala City ... Johannesburg ...
spite reports beforehand of possible
ot terrorism, the United States
celebrated her 200th anniversary
(left) in relative ca/m and tranquility.
" SWINE FLU" scare /aunched the
biggest - and most controversia/ -
public vaccination program in U.S.
history (above). In LEBANON (right),
civil warfare near/y destroyed one of
the Mideast 's most prosperous na–
tions before massive Syrian military
intervention halted the fighting.