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mericans have a new president.
but his attempts at achieving
world peacewi 11 fall shorl, as it
has with those presidcnts before him.
The difficulties he will encounter are
simply more tha n any human being
can properly handle, because this
world ofours has progressed too rap–
in the wrong direction!
"Oh, I wouldn' t say that! " many
will exclaim. No, people don't want
lo believe it! They seem to prefer to
deceive themselves with wishful
But therein líes the DANGER!
Most men are afraid to face the
facts! But these are facts nonethe–
less. The development of engines of
mass destruction has far outpaced
the development of ma n's power to
control them.
Ma n has built the awesome Frank–
enstein monster lhatthreatens to de–
stroy him. Man has reached that stage
of development a nd " progress"
where he is utter ly unable to save
These relen1less forces now set in
motion would continue until the fear
o frankly expressed by top scient ists
of the blasting of human life com–
pletely out ofexistence would become
a rea lity, tF it was not for one thing –
the intervention of almighty God to
save us from ourselves!
Shocking? Maybe to sorne. But
thank God! His intervention is sure.
lt's time millions were becoming
aroused by what 's happening today
and a little more than curious to
learn what's prophesied for the not–
too-distant future.
Trouble Ahead
For the immediate future- the next
five, ten, or twenty-five yea rs - the
sobering revelation of Bible proph–
ecy shows this world will go from
bad to worse. World confusion, ha–
tred. strife, warfare and terrible de–
struction will increase wi th rapid
acceleration. It 's the natural course
lo expect.
The United Nations won't be able
to bring peace. The aggressor na–
tions - and we are so gullible we
never recognize them until AFTER
they plunge the world into another
war - will go right on with their
scheming and diabolical planning
for world rule.
PLAIN TRUTH January 1977
Personal from ...
The dreaded nuclea r war we have
all feared for so long will come -
not because God wills it. but be–
cause men will choose to unleash
this destructive power on one an–
The greatest prophet who ever
lived looked down into our time and
th e now-imminent future and said.
"And there shall be ... dist ress of
nations. with perplexity ... men's
hearts failing them for fear. and for
looking after those things which are
coming on the earth.... And then
shall they see the Son of man com–
ing in a cloud with POWER and
GREAT GLORY. And when these
things begin to come t o
pass ... know ye that the KI NGDOM
OF Goo is nigh at hand. Verily I say
unto you, This generation shall not
pass away, tiU all be fu lfilled' ' (Luke
21 :25-32).
World Government Needed
World government is needed. but
through human leaders it is simply
impossible! Wha t man lives today
who has the qualifications - who
could safely be entrusted with that
much POWER? What man would not
abuse such vast power. exalt him–
self, wield it for his own ambitious
and selfish purposes? What man has
the wisdom to execute such power.
to save this world from itself, and 10
administer his great office for the
good of the governed?
Human civi liza tion has "pro–
gressed' ' adversely to the point
where now it is utterly HELPLESS to
save the world from itself. The
world's sole hope now lies in the
supernatural intervention ofGoo!
We're so hopelessly involved a nd
entangled in the type of paganized .
competitive-government civilization
built upon earth that we cannot ex–
tricate ourselves. Let 's face it. We're
in the death grip of an evil system.
and only God can save us from ex–
But God will intervene. He will
send Jesus Christ once again to
ea rth. and this time not as a lamb–
like genlle leacher. but in a ll the
supreme, supernatural POWER and
GLORY ofGod.
"And he shall send Jesus Christ.
which before was preached unto
you: whom the heavens must re–
ceive until the TIMES OF RESTITU–
TION of a!J things" (Acts
Jesus Himself said. " If I go ...
come again" (John
And His
coming happens to be the world's
only hope.
World Government Through Christ
Few seem to have understood the
purpose of either Christ's coming to
(Continued on page 42)