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Meet John and Kristy...
John Stryker
is an international student from
Kitchener, On tario. Ganada, whose major is mass
communications. John p lans to enter the fie ld of
pu blic relations alter graduating from Ambassador
Kristy Woodbridge
carne to Ambassador College
from Wellington , Kansas. With her major in English
and minor in psychology , Kristy intends to pursue a
caree r in professional writi ng. She' s also looking
forward to being married and having a family.
Their career plans are different, bu t these two
students have in common some very high ideals. And
Ambassador College is a place where high ideals are
not the exception. They are the norm - for students,
faculty , and administration alike.
So like most of their fri ends, John and Kristy aren't
satisfied with the world they see around them.
Th ey're working to prepare themselves so t hat one
day they can have a pa rt in making it better.
That's why they came to Ambassador College.
For information about admissions, ca ll to ll-free (800)
423-4444 [except in California . Alaska, and Hawaii,
call (213) 577-5000], or write:
Admissions Office
300 West Green St.
ol ege
Pasadena, CA 91123
Ambassador College admits studenls of any race. color, national.
and ethni c ongin.
In accordance with Tille IX of the Higher Educational Amendments
of 1972, as applicable and not therefrom exempted, Ambassador
College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in educat ional
programs. actlvities. or employment.