Page 3278 - 1970S

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"Peace on earth, good wi/1 toward men?" Apparently not,
according to the 66% of Americans who believe that lasting peace
wil/ not be found in their lifetime. As 1976 draws to a close,
the dream of permanent peace seems as elusive as ever. Yet there
is a so/ution, and it's one in which you can have a part.
he United States is at peace. There are
no Amencan sold1ers fighting m the trou–
bled Middle East. U.S. army units are not
involved in the bloody nots and guernlla war–
fare that is escalating in Rhodesia and South
And in Northern lreland. Catholics and Pro–
testants are quite content to fight out their
long-standing hatreds without the ass1stance
of U.S. troops.
Vietnam? lts memory 1s already rapid ly fad–
ing 1nto oblivion.
True, the Korean cnsis ot last summer
threatened to escalate into a poss1ble armed
conflict involving U S. military m1ght But after
a show of force, the United States made 1ts
point, and tens1ons have subs1ded.
Yes. as America's bicentennial year comes
to a close. we have much to be thankful for -
including the peace that our peoples now en–
joy. Th1s precious peace is apprec1ated even
more deeply as we cons1der the con–
frontations, bombings. conflicts, and bloody
Dexter H. Faulkner
guerrilla wars that even now rage unabated
Robert A. Ginskey
throughout the world.