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Over 95% of the American
people claim to believe in
God. But what kind of a God?
What color
he? How big
he still alive?
manlike or beastlike? Skepti–
cal philosophers have long
wondered about the where–
abouts of this " unknown
God." Bewildered theologians
have long contrived to
his absence. Why
hide himself from human–
Garner Ted Armstrong
o you believe in a ny thing at
a ll that you can't see? 1sure ly
hope so bccause air. wind.
a nd electricity simply cannot be
seen. Yet no one who ever stopped
to think about it would deny their
You explicitly believe in the pre–
cious air you inhale without even
thinking about it. Your lungs sort
out the gases and exhale the iner t,
unusable types- re taining the oxy–
ge n to feed the little blood cor–
puscles that keep a l! that is you
a live.
The Marvelous Creation
We firmly be li eve in myriads of
myste ri ous marvels extant on the
earth. But we hardly ever eq uate
th ese wonders of our env ironmen t
with th e mind of a grea t bei ng who
exists in another dimension just
beyond ours.
Ye t"the un seen God - the God
that hides himself - revea ls himse lf
t hrough the marvels of th e physica l
creation. T he very existence of t he
whole crea ti on is proof positive t ha t
there has to be a Crea tor.
Not so long ago a couple of dis–
tin guished British astronomers wcre
interviewed on BBC. Under d is–
cuss ion were curren! theories of the
o ri gin of the uni verse. They said:
"At the moment, we have Lo confess
that our ignorance of the actua l cre–
ation is mo re or less complete."
Wh y s h o uld sc i e n ce b e so
unknowledgeable about the origi ns
of this earth and the universe? Per–
haps Dr. Samuel H. Mill er, dcan of
Harvard's Divinity School unwit-
t ingly gave the true answer nea rly
two dccades ago. He stated: "The
modern era [has] abandoned re li–
gion as a bas is o f real life, and pu ts
its confidence in science instead.
even though the word 'God' is mo re
popula rly entrenched in America
than ever"
(Denver Posr.
June 4,
The bi bl ical revelation has largely
be en ignored by much of the world's
intelligentsia. Thus the widespread
ignorance of where the creation
ca rne from. According lo the Gallup
Po li. there is widespread belief in
some kind of a God, but few t hink
of him as t he Creator of a ll they can
see a nd know.
The Bible itself rather simply de–
scribes the process of this phenome–
non . The a postlc Paul wrote : "For
the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven aga inst all ungodliness and
wickedness or mcn who by their
suppress the truth.
Fo r
wha t can be known about God is
plain to them . . . . E-if'er si nce the
crea tion of the world
his invisible
na mely, his eterna! power
and deity,
has been clear!y perceived
in the t hings that have been made"
(Rom. 1:18-20. RSV).
The ancient philosophers knew
God! They examin ed thc world in
which they fou nd themselves and
discovered order. harmony, system,
and design. God was in this sense
revea led to them! Why? Because t he
existence oforder, ha rmony, system,
a nd design absolutely dema nd a
Start With the Creation!
Wh en we start with what we can
know th rough our five senses - the
physica l universe - we soon find
blunt proof that only a supreme
Creator could have fas hioned it to–
gether into such a wondrously uni–
fied whole. F rom the forces which
bind a tomic nuclei to t he principies
tha t ru n g iant galaxies, from the
fullness of t he earth to the rela tive
emp tiness of space, from the beauty
of creation to the human mind that
ca n comprehend it - all are mute
test imony to the powe r of God - all
blazon fo rth th e conclusive evidence
of his existence.
Look at the intricacy of nature
around you. Everything you see is
complex and harmonious -
The PLAIN TRUTH November 1976