Page 3231 - 1970S

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south of the cap1tal. The Damara.
th1rd largest populaliün group 1n
South West Afnca (note p1e chart
on page 23 showing population
percentages ot South West Afnca's
vanous peoples) were once slaves
ot Namas and Hereros. The
marvelous pens1ve faces (nght) of
an elderly Damara. a Baster farmer,
anda young Herero test1fy to the
concerns of the people ot the land.
To the left . top, 1s a strikmg view of
the center of government and
cu lture of South West Africa: its
charming capital, Windhoek, built
by the Germans. The first maJor
commun1ty to the south of
Rehoboth (center left).
settled by Basters. a m1xed Nama–
whlte stock. The Basters (the1r
name means " bastard"
Afrikaans. but they wear the label
proudly) found maNelous hot
springs in the region. Today,
throughout all the townsh ips in
South West Afnca. Western
methods of bu1ld1ng are gradually
being utilized (bottom left), not
without aesthetic loss on occas1on.
Despite inadequate housing , a
neatly groomed mother and
chi ldren (center) look with hope to
a future safeguarded from
revolutionary violence - a future
wh1ch mult1rac1al cooperat1on and
mutual trust can turn an
inhospitable and arid land 1nto an
adequate and msp1ring country .