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U.N. and the Securi ty Cou ncil. Dr.
Africa is a leader of the Baster de le–
ga tion at th e
meetings. He
courteously sent usa copy of a letter
he had written to promote under–
s tanding of th e problems of South
West Africa and o f thc Constitu–
t ional Conference. It is so importan!
a statement that it deserves world –
wide recognition. We the refo re pub–
li s h a maj o r pa rt o f it in the
accompanyi ng box. (See page 26 .)
Most othe rs in the
Cons ti –
tutional Conference wou ld echo Dr.
Africa's sentiments.
The Men and the Peoples and
Lands They Represent
Seldom has so much responsibility
fa ll en on th e should ers of so few
men as now rests on those directing
the constitutional meetings in Wind–
hock 's
On their co n–
scnsus rests not only the futu re of
Sou th West Africa 's 950,000 people
(a miniscule fract ion of the wo rld 's
population, to be sure) , but also to
large measure the future security o f
a ll southern Africa. South Wes t Af–
rica is stra tegically loca ted . Soviet
newspaper commentari es compare
PLAIN TRUTH November 1976
it to the critica! position of the Sinai
Pa stor Corn elius
and Israe l in the Middle East.
Njoba has the d iffi-
Who are these men guiding the
cult task of represen t-
constitut ional meetings whose faces
ing th e O vambos,
have a lmost never appeared in print
whose popula tion is
o r ontelevision?Theyare menoften
a lmost e qual to
of to tally divergent views. They de-
that o f al! other
scend from black, brown, white, a nd
groups in South
W est
T here is Mr. Dirk Mudge, the
Th ere is Mr. Ch risty of th e Dam-
diplomat and peacemaker, unques-
a ras, a once enslaved people who
tioned guiding hand in th e confer-
lost their language to their former
ence , represent in g th e w hit e
Nama overlords. There is Chief
delega ti on. T he re is wa rm an d
Moralaswani of the East Capriv i de l-
cha rming Mr. Luipert, descendant
egation and Mr. Mayavero of the
o f a chiefty line of Namas (Hotten-
Kavangos . Both the ir people, to-
tots), who often must ex plain to
ge ther with the Ovambos , have suf-
others of his de lega ti on the niceties
fered lengt hy terrorist incurs ions
of parliamentary procedures. And -c!irected by SWAPO. Not to be for-
who could forget the oratory of Mr.
go tten is the Tswana delegation,
Kloppers of the Coloured de lega-
representing the sma llest popula tion
tion, or the incisive thought o f th e
group at the
Basters' Dr. Africa? Mr. Geelbooi of
the B.ushmen delega ti on must live in
two worlds if he is to expound to his
people the events transpiring in the
The busy Mr. Clemens
Kapuuo is leader of the Herrero, a
vigo rous, pastoral people who trad i–
tiona lly recognized only two peoples
on earth: Herreros and strangers.
Did They Learn From
The peoples of South West Africa
are a complex mosaic o f ancient
t ribes and mo re recen t immigrants.
Their intertriba l and internecine
wars, climaxing at the beginning of
(Tex r continued on page 26)