Page 3198 - 1970S

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Stanley R. Rader
The author accompanies
Editor-in-Chfef Herbert
Armstrong on his frequent
visits with heads ot state and
other leading international
JERUSALEM, August 13, 1976:
Arriving yesterday at Ben-Gurion
Airport near Tel Aviv, we learned
that yet another act
had taken the lives of tour in–
nocent persons, wounded 21
others, and endangered severa!
hundred more. Only the swift and
effective intervention
security torces prevented a virtual
slaughter trorn taking place at ls–
tanbul's Yesflkoy Airport.
This latest terrorist episode
carne only a tew weeks after. the
daring and successtul Israelí res–
cue mission that treed more than a
hundred innocent people held
hostage in Uganda after the hi–
an Air France aircraft by
Palestinian terrorists, aided and
abetted, as it was ultimately
learned, by President Amín of
Last weekend Mr. Herbert Arm–
strong and
were in Kenya, which
played a role in the events of last
month. In tact, in the aftermath of
the Israelí rescue mission. Presi–
dent Amín appeared ready to in–
volve his tellow Ugandans in an
armed contlict with Kenya . Presi–
den! Amin was very disturbed that
the Israelí planes had landed at
Nairobi, had refueled, had treated
sorne of the wounded passengers,
and had left sorne of the more seri–
ously wounded in Kenya so that
they might have proper. medica!
For weeks tensions had
PLAIN TRUTH October 1976
mounted between the two East Af–
rican countries, and many feared
an immediate outbreak of hostil–
ities. As we left the office ot Presi–
dent Kenyatta, we met the Kenyan
foreign minister, who had just ar–
rived from Uganda aboard Presi–
dent Amín 's personal aircraft. The
foreign minister was about to re–
port to President Kenyatta the
glad tidings that the two countries
would be able to resume normal
relations and live together, at least
for a time, in peace and security.
We in the Ambassador lnter–
national Cultural Foundation hope
that it is a lasting peace, because
we intend to play amore permanent
and significan! role in Africa in the
coming years. Ou rmost recentvisit
was designed to further the devel–
opment of a cooperative project on
the outskirts of Nairobi between the
AICF and the people of Kenya. The
project will be known as the Presi–
dentJomo Kenyatta Technical Col–
lege. In the coming years it will
provide the kind
technical skills
which areso desperately needed by
the country and which we are so
very pleased to have a part in devel–
oping .
course, will play an
increasingly important role in world
affairs during the coming years. We
are hopetul that the world will be
able to avoid a racial contlict - a
majar war between peoples
black and white races. We know
that there are men of good will and
peace throughoutAtrica, as well as
the rest of the world, who are doing
theír utmost to avoid strife and
bloodshed and to resolve problems
in a peaceful manner.
Somehow all
us must begin
wherever we are to change our
relationsh ips with other people.
We must begin by changing our
own way of lite tirst. We must try
to achieve a solidarity and one–
ness with our neighbor that usu–
ally appears only at rare moments,
such as in the case of war or a
natural calamity.
Man' s normal inclinations are
competition and strife. People do
not !ove other people instinctively,
and they certainly do not !ove those
whom they do not even know.
The Pfain Truth
has tor years
striven to help people, whatever
their color, sex, age, position, or
class, to recapture the true values
that will produce peace and har–
mony among all men.