Page 3170 - 1970S

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no longer any doubt which
nalion is thc "mover and shaker"
in Western Europe today.
West Germany, hands down.
Bonn' s growing prestige and
power were graphica lly revealed in
the story behind the dramatic deci–
sion reached this past July by the
heads of the nine-nation European
Community on how to distribute
seats for a new, directly elected Eu-
Long an economic super–
power, West Germany is be–
ginning to f/ex its political
muse/e. But the key to Bonn 's
tuture lies not in resurgent na–
tionalism, but in the Jarger
context of a united Europe.
ropean Pa rliament. For awhile, it
appeared that it was going to be
"business as usual" by the Nine as
they haggled back and forth over
the right formula - so typical of the
way every big decision in the 18-
year history of the European Com–
mon Market has been reached.
The seven prime ministers, the
president of France, and the chan–
cellor of West Germany discussed a
series of mino r variations on a pro–
posa! that would have increased the
Europe's "Political Dwarf"
Gene H. Hogberg