Garner Ted Armstrong
LifeOn Mars? NoWay!
ill lite be found on Mars?
Tt1at seems to be the ques–
tion of the day, given all the
excitement surrounding the marvel–
ously intricate unmanned Viking
miss1on to the " red planet."
IF so-called simple (they're really
not) lite torms were to be tound on
Mars, the theories of evolution and
the spontaneous generation of lite
would be, in the eyes
people, contirmed. But oh how big
that little word "it" can be at times.
Once again we come tace to tace
with that old question: Which carne
tirst - the chicken or the egg? ls
evolution the process by which
carne to be? Are you really the end
the amorous activity
love-sick amoebae? Did your "an–
cestors" somehow have their be–
ginnings in a murky , primordial
swamp seething with bubbling
methane and ammonia?
Was there an ageless process by
which, through billions
molecules marvelously metamor–
phosed into man? That, simply put ,
is what evolution teaches!
Now l'm not saying that those
who propase such theories are not
intelligent people. They are. Evolu–
tion is the product
minds. Nevertheless, there is such
a thing as revealed knowledge, and
there is such a thing as intellectual
toolishness , too.
Evolution presupposes
creation, without overall de–
sign or purpose. Yet, to carry such
reasoning into human-scale experi–
ences, we all know that explosions
in print shops do not produce ency-
PLAIN TRUTH September 1976
clopedias. Dumping bricks trom a
truck, over and over, will not ever
produce a modern split-level subur–
ban home, complete with a three–
car garage and a double oven in
the kitchen. Accidents simply can–
not create symmetry, beauty, and
The same principie can be ap–
plied to this beautitul planet which
is so utterly different from the in–
hospitable surface of our neighbor,
Mars. The earth's awesome, inter–
woven webs of plant and animal lite
forms - with myriads of ínter–
dependen! living relationships be–
tween plants and animals, between
animals and other animals - did
not come about in a stumbling,
willy-nilly, capricious manner.
Logic alone should tell us that a
creative, inventive mind tar superior
to the human mind is responsible
for all
But getting back to that oh-so–
barren Martian landscape: Will that
little "scooper," working in con–
junction with its intricate on-board
laboratory, discover lite on Mars?
No, it won 't because there is no lite
on Mars. Will Viking's experiments
make it appear that - according to
evolutionary reasoning - there
might be certain processes or pre–
conditions which might lead toward
lite on Mars? Oh, yes, they deti–
nitely will do that. The " road to life"
will definitely seem to be left open.
lt's tunny, but man desperately
seems to teel the need to discover
that he is the result
chance and
evolution, rather than of a special,
unique creation in an orderly, sys-
tematic universe in which the earth
is the focal point of attention.
Most today accept the evolutlon–
ary belief - and evolution is a "be–
lief" or a "faith " - that we carne
from " lower" animal lite, rather
than being the designed product
from the "highest " lite form of al l -
an eternal, creating God!
Evolutionists t ry to explai n the
existence of lite without a lite giver,
the sustaining of the laws of nature
and the universe without a sustain–
er. In short, they try to explain that
there is no God who 1s wortlly of
their worship. They're almost like
the ancient pagans in one way, be–
cause with this approach all that is
left to worship is their own selves
and their envi ronment.
People as a whole don 't want
God interfering in their daily lives.
They don't want God's laws direct–
ing and regulating how they live,
how they think, and what kind of
person they should be. They don 't
want God's laws regulating their
marriage and their relationships
with other people in the business
world. They don't want God inter–
fering in their prívate affairs, in their
personal habits, or in their choices
and appetites. They don 't want a
consciousness of God, an aware–
ness of their responsibility toward
that God, ora realization of the pos–
sib ility of punishment should they
break God 's laws.
They would like to think they are
in a universe where there is no
great higher power who is going to
cal l them into an accounting for
those things done during their lite–
times. Thus it's "natural" to believe
in, or to want to believe in, evolu–
tion. Evolution has fertile soil in
which to grow because of human
nature which the Bible defines as
enmity against God (Romans 8:7).
l'm writing this, incidentally, be–
fare any of the results of the biology
experiments aboard Viking
in; yet
already know what sorne of
the results wi ll be. Based on the
experiments, the "experts" will no
doubt speculate that certain chem–
ical compounds or " precursors" of
lite are present, and this will lead to
theori zing about how life might pos–
sibly exist..
said it once, and
say it
again: There is no lite on Mars!