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Human beings are goal-oriented
creatures. lf we have no goals,
we 're frustrated. lf we have too
many, we're confused. Here's the
key to putting your commitments
in order.
Arthur Mokarow
and Christofer French
he n you watch a robín with
cocked head , alert and en–
grossed, s udd enl y dip hi s
sha rp beak into the earth for an un–
wa ry worm, you might ask yourself
the question: " But what does he do
for fun?" The answer? Along with
hi s ot her instinctual habits. that 's all
he does. That's his work, h is fun , his
play, his whole life. The robín is totally
committed to "doing his thing."
On the o ther hand humans must
discover their "thing" on their own.
That 's why many just " happen"
th rough life, letting time, circum–
stance, and life's vic issitudes push
them here and there in an endless
ra t race. Small wonder so many are
co nfused through much of their
li ves.
W e are made to commit ourse lves
to a purpose. In short. we a re made
to be goal o riented. lf we are not
facing a goal (immedia te. short–
term , or long-term) and moving
towa rd it, we will not function very
The fo rce tha t he lps us achieve
o ur goa ls can be ca lled com–
mitment. The purer t he com–
mitment. the more powerful and the
more energizing it wi ll be.
The Energy That Comes
With Pursuit
Electrifying force ema na tes from
the made-up mind. The compelling
power behind fully comm itted de–
terminat ion overshadows simple as–
serti veness or sta lwa rt resolution.
Psycho logists have discove red an
un usual denominato r among happy.
PLAIN TRUTH September 1976