Page 31 - 1970S

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carried away by the same rising waters
that preserved their tracks?
Read the following! You be the
Swimming or Floating Away -
Sets of tracks often show severa!
individuals of various sizes.
"Their tracks are deeply impressed
and include drag-marks of the heavy
tails. The tracks of the smaller individ–
uals are shallower and show no tail
drag-marks, as though the youngsters
were HALF-AFLOAT as the herd made its
way through the shallows.
"Another set of tracks, of a single
individual, start off deeply impressed, as
though the animal were UNSUPPORTED
by water, and
become Less and less we/1-
"They are finally reduced to the
MEREST SCRATCHES, at greater intervals,
in what was the bottom of the lake,
showing that a big sauropod had
ambled into the water, which had sup–
ported more and more of bis weight as
he got in deeper, until finally he was
cruising along in a leisurely manner"
to touch bottom, as water rose higher
and higher?
And was this dinosaur - along with
thousands - CARRIED AWAY by the cur–
far distant locations, to be bur–
ied in one of the innumerable fossil
graveyards around the world?
Someooe rnight ask, "But how were
the tracks preserved in spite of the
increasing waters ?" The answer depends
on the area. One example is illustrated
by footprints found in Arizona.
Dinosaur Footprints in Arizooa
In Juoe, 1952, William Lee Stokes,
well-koown geologist was studying ura–
nium deposits in Apache County, Ari–
zona. He discovered a remarkable series
of pterodactyl footprints in the Morri–
son formation.
These tracks clearly reveal how the
tracks were preserved.
"The track-beariog unit is a 2- to 4-
inch thick stratum of medium-grained,
brownish gray sandstone ... it is
marked on the upper surface ...
"From the position of the tracks ...
and the apparently unsteady gait of
the pterodactyl, it is inferred that the
creature was walking ... in
moist to
very rnoist sand.
"Above the tracks is a thin straturn of
mudstone which covers and fills them.
Evidently the conditions were such that
the water ROSE VERY SLIGHTLY and
under relatively quiet conditions depos–
ited a mud layer which preserved the
tracks from destruction" (/
omnal of
Vol. 31, No. 5, Septem–
ber, 1957, "Pterodactyl Tracks from the
Morrison Formation," William Lee
Stokes, p. 952).
Back to Connecticut
Richard Swann Lull summarized the
conditions under which the tracks and
trackways in New England were laid
This description reads like a scenario
of DISASTER - in spite of the fact that
he would interpret fossils in an EVOLU–
TIONARY context.
Here is a portion of his description:
There were laid clown in a gradually
deepening trough in the older rocks the
sands, and clays, interbedded with vast
lava sheets [the source of intense heat?],
which constitute the sediments of the
Newark systems. ...
"Of the organic remains, those of
vegetable origin consist of the impres–
sions aud casts of trunks of trees
.. . being of such size as to in–
PORTING POWER . .. here and there the
vegetal remains were of sufficient abun–
dance to lead to the production of black
bituminous shale bands, formed during
periods of
of 111aters"
(T1'iassic Life of the Comzectiettt V al–
Richard Swann Lull, p. 24).
Ancient Connecticut ís clearly pic–
tured as a disaster area! The catadysm
of water and lava was of such a magnl–
tude as to
erase life off the face
of the old New England landscape.
Pace to Face With Disasters
Everywhere paleontologists look they
are faced with this certainty - DISAS–
TER wiped out the dinosaurs. These
disasters were worldwide. No sector of
this globe escaped the tragedy.
there evidence of transition
from reptiles to mammals. Then, where
did the living things of this present age
come from?
How did manunals come into exis–
tence? What about plant life? Modero
fish? And man, himself?
The geological record reveals a pro–
found break between the reptilian life
that was obliterated and the modero
life of today.
The new forros of life on this planet
- the mammals, the insects, the plants,
., ..,, .... ·., 1-.._ .,
1 '·
Ambonodor Colle9& Pholo
Dinosour footprint embedded in stone .
the .fishes, the birds, mao - are different
in most respects from the old.
There is no evolutionary connection
between the two. This is proof positive
that mammals oro NOT EVOLVE from
reptiles. Between these two worlds is
the geologic evidence that a worldwide
catastrophe of astronomical - of in–
explicable magnitude - ravaged our
But how - and WHY?
you are interested in further infor–
mation, write for our FREE reprint
It discusses these and related ques–
tions - and gives the surpnstng
answers. Get your free copy by writing
to the address nearest you. See the staff
box on the inside front cover for the
proper address. O