Page 3088 - 1970S

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A strange, glowing, cone–
shaped object with dazzling
colored lights moves
mysteriously in the early
morning Wisconsin sky
five state troopers watch with
utter amazement.
Experienced pilots report
si/ver, disk-shaped
craft over Missouri- only to
have it outdistance them with
tremendous burst ot speed.
Two fishermen in Mississippi
are reportedly abducted into
giant cigar-shaped
spacecraft and "examined"
by three taceless
extraterrestrial creatures.
PLAIN TRUTH August 1976
Robert A. Ginskey
s it possib le that, while science
searches for primitive life o n
Mars and a ims g iant radio te le–
sco pes toward the heavens to probe
for radio signals from distant civ–
il iza tions. abunda n! ev idence of ex–
traterrestrial life can actually be
found right here on Eanh?
Millions of Americans apparently
believe so.
fact. accordi ng to a
reccnt Ga ll up poli. the majority of
Americans be lieve that UFOs -
Unidentified Flyi ng Objects - a re
rea l a nd ·'not the figment of
people's imagination." Moreover.
sorne 15 rnillion Arnericaps claim lo
ha ve actually seen a UFO.
Few subjects generate more fasci–
na tion than the hotly debated con–
ten tion th at UFOs represen! some
form of alien in telligence.
Actually, strange and mys te rious
objects have been seen in the sky for
thousands of years. Even the
prophet Ezekie l reponed see ing an
awesome "wheel within a whee l"
that has served as an oft-quoted
precedent fo r unusual sightings in
the hea vens.
"The appearance of the wheels
and their work was ... as it were a
whee1 in the middle oí a wheel.
When they went, they went upon
their four sides: and they turned no t
when they went. As for their rings,
they were so high that they were
drcadfu l; and their rings wcrc fuJJ of
eyes round about th em fou r. And
when the living crea tures went, the
wheels went by them ; and when the
living creatures were lifted up from
the ea rt h, the wheels were lifted up"
(Ezek. 1: 16- 19).
What Ezek iel saw was apparently
a "portable th rone" of God, com–
plete with representatives of the an–
ge l ic host.
Yet the modern UFO era did no t
really dawn un til just a ft er World
whcn an lda ho businessman
described a fo rmation o f disk-like
objects skimming thro ugh the sky
" like a saucer would if you skipped
it across water. " From that early ac–
count came the term "flying sau–
S in ce th a t time , UFOb ia ,
UFOria. and UFO!ogists have p ro–
liferated at an amazing rate. Not
even veteran pi lots are immune. In
fac t, at one point baffting and omi–
nous reports of "flying saucers" ob–
served over a ir bases g rew so
worrisome that the A i r Force
la uched a full -scale investigation.
For 22 years. the Air Force kept
track of UFO reports. Then in 1969,
after investigating nearly 13,000
"p henomena," the Air Force closed
Opera tion Blue Book, saying that
further inves t iga t ion cou l d no
longer "be justified e ith er on the
grounds of national secu rity or in
the interest of science."
That conclusion fo llowed a two–
year st udy, sponsored by the Air