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fu ller s tyles of today, i.e., the It a lia n
Short ha ir was the dominan t, ac–
cepted mode for wea r ing men's ha ir
in the t ime of J esus Chris t. On pages
126 a nd 127 of
A Hislory of the
Holy L and
(ed ited by Michael Avi–
Yo na h) are busts of Pompey, Au–
gus tus, and one believed to be
rod the Great
(an observant Jew by
re ligion) -
al! with short hair!
s tatues and ca rv ings o f Roman le–
gionnaires show them with closely
cro pped ha ir. A ll Roman emperors
be fo re, during, a nd afte r th e time of
Jesus Chris t. from J ulius Caesa r to
Traj a n. wo re the ir ha ir..short. The
Roma n empero r was the indi vidua l
who set the pattern in s ty les a nd
modes of dress
fo r the whole empire
- whi c h in clud ed Ga l i lee a nd
J udaea in J esus' day .
Prior to the Roman Empire, the
H e ll enis tic Greek cul t ure domi–
nated th e Eas tern Medite rranean
a rea, including the Holy La nd . Even
in Chr ist's d ay, a large po rti on of
the Jewish populatio n was G reek–
speaking a nd He ll enis tic in o utlook.
(See Jo hn 12 :20; Acts 6 : 1, e tc.)
Sh or t ha ir was a lso th e Greek H elle–
nis tic sty le for men. (See G aa lyahu
Cornfield 's
Daniel lo Paul,
pp. 15.
146 .)
Professor Cornfi eld, a noted au–
thor , his torian. and archaeologis t,
ca p ti o n e d o ne of th e sta t u es:
" Marble s ta tue tte of an un identified
man of th e Hellenistic pe riod - a
time of close con tacts between the
Jewish and Helleni stic c iv ilizatio ns
in tho ught, a rt and everyday life.
Whe the r J ew ish o r Gent ile, he
evokes his age and environmen t"
(ib id ). T he statue had short ha ir!
Non-He llen istic Jews a lso trad i–
tionally wo re th eir ha ir sho rt. Even
th e anti-He llenis tic J ewish
s tates th a t a ll pr ies ts shoul d have
th e ir ha ir cu t o nce every thirty days
(Ta'anith 17a). Th is priestly law is
undo ubtedly based o n the bib lical
inj unctio n fo und
Ezekiel 44:20 :
"They [the pri es ts] shall
th e ir heads or
ter their locks
lo ng; they sha ll o nly tr im the ha ir of
the ir head s" (RSV).
T he
specifies the " Ju–
lia n," or what we wou ld ca ll the
"Caesar cut" (Sanhedrin 22b) . God
had set ra ther stringen t regu la tio ns
fo r the cond uct ofpri ests in the Pen-
ta teuch. They were supposed to se t
the example for the rest of the com–
munity (see Ma l. 2:7).
Sta tu es and o ther rep roductions
of Jewish men from J esus' day a re
few and fa r be tween because many
Jews o bj ected to them on religious
grounds. But those few rep resen ta–
tions we do possess inevi ta bly poin t
short hair
Daniel lo Paul,
p . 287).
Othe r sources o f a ncien t p ict ures
of known Jews having short hair
a re ( 1) Na th a n Au s ub e l's
Book of Jewish Knowledge,
and (2)
The Standard Jewish En–
p. 167. The former
shows J ewish concept io ns of bot h
Da vid a nd Ezra da ting from A.D.
250 ; the latter shows Jews o f the
th ird ce ntury with sho rt ha ir.
C hrist was a n average Jew o f his
d ay. How lo ng do you think he wore
his ha ir?
An Apostolic Example
H ave you ever read t he elevent h
cha pter of 1 Corinthi ans - a lette r
wr itten to a G en tile church? A por–
tio n o f tha t particula r biblical cha p–
te r is devo ted to ha ir lengths of bo th
men and women . The apos tle Paul
wro te in ve rses 14 th ro 16 :
"Does not na ture itse lf teach you
tha t
for a man to wear long hair
degrading [a shame,
lo him,
but if a woman has lo ng hai r, it is
he r pr ide [glory, KJV]? For her hair
is given to her for a cove ring. l f any
one is disposed to be con tentio us,
we recogn ize no o ther practice, nor
do the churches ofGod" (RSV).
Pa u l, prima rily the apostle to the
gentiles, received the gospel
Christ. He wro te to the Ga la–
tians: " F or I would have you know,
bre thren , that the gospel which was
p reached by me is not man's gospel.
For I did not rece ive it from man,
no r was
ta ught it, but it carne
th rough
a revelation o.fJ esus Christ "
(Ga l. 1: 11-1 2, RSV). J esus actua lly
a ppeared di rectly to the apostle
Paul (see 1 Cor. 15:8) .
P au l said: " Have I not seen J esus
our Lord?" (I Cor . 9 : 1.) He also sa id:
" Be ye followers of me. even as
a lso am of Chris t" ( I Cor. 11 :1) in
the very same chapte r where men
wearing long ha ir is mentioned as
bein g a shame.
My point is that Jesus Christ d id
not contradict the words of his own
a pos tle wh i le he was a h uman
be ing. He did not de liver a gospe1
Pa ul that contrad icted his own per–
sona l life-style .
Pa ul did not say: "Follow me as I
fo llow Christ" and then go ou t and
preach a nd write the diametric o p–
pos i te of wha t he was d irectly
ta ugh t.
Jesus was
a shame to Paul.
Jesus Chr is t, who was Paul 's cham–
pio n , soon-comi ng king, and high
pr iest,
did not wear long hair!
Jesus Was Not a Nazarite
So rne relig io nis ts claim tha t Jesus
Ch rist was under sorne sort of "Naz–
a ritic vow," and there fore a utoma t–
ica lly wore his hair lo ng. The trut h
is that J esus did
fulfi ll a single
o ne of the s trict scrip tu ra l obliga–
tions laid upon a "Nazarite."
A Nazarite was ( 1) not to drink
wi ne, (2) no t to cut h is ha ir as a
token of humi liation. (3) and not to
to uch a dead body (see Numbers
6 : 1-27) . T he Bible p roves that J esus
d rank wine, touched a dead body on
occasio n (Matt. 9: 18-25; Mark 5:35 -
43, e tc.), a nd had his hai r cut as we
ha ve already proved.
Sorne few have even gotten the
terms N azarite, N aza ren e , a nd
Nazareth mixed up in their m inds .
In Matthew 2:23 it says : "And he
[J esus] carne and dwelt in a city
[why?] that it mig ht
be fulfi ll ed which was spoken by the
prophets , He shall be ca lled a Naza–
rene" (KJV). Almost any Bible dic–
tiona ry wi ll tell you tha t a Nazarene
was mere ly
an inhabitant or citizen
of Nazareth
t he c ity where J esus
grew up (Mark 1:9; Luke 1:26; John
1:45). A man from Texas is a
Texan ; a man from Naza ret h is a
Nazare ne . Neither of t hese two
nam es has a nything to do wi th a
Nazarite vow.
Paintings of Christ-Accurate?
Down through histo ry artists have
portrayed Chr ist as he reftected
ideas and idea ls . The "ea rl iest
Ch r ist" pictured by artists is found
on the wa lls of the ca tacombs in
Rome . T hese post-apostolic repre-
PLAIN TRUTH August 1976