Page 3050 - 1970S

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Gene H Hogberg - Ptam Tru th
Clockwise trom abo ve: Russian-built "Palace of Culture··
contrasts sharply with modern, Western-style architecture of
Warsaw (wide-angle camera lens makes buildings "lean " ) ; tree
in front of former Warsaw Ghetto prison displays the names of
prominent Jewish families of Warsaw sent to their deaths at
Auschwitz; shaded by an umbrella,
pianist performs at the
base of the monument to Freder ic Chopin in a Warsaw park.
Music written by Poland 's favorite composer is performed at
this location twice every Sunday afternoon before large
crowds; Warsaw housewives stop to purchase vegetables ata
sidewalk produce stand. The Polish government subsidizes
food and
commodities heavily. Riots in late 1970 over
price increases brought down the government; three young
lasses play on the site of the old Jewish Ghetto, with the
monument to the abortive 1943 uprising in the background;
Warsaw residents relax and enjoy the late afternoon sun in the
city's beautiful/y restored 0/d Town square. The leisurely pace
of Warsaw makes ita good city for strolling and enjoying
family- type outings. In postwar reconstruction. maj or
thoroughfares were widened and park acreage
trip led.