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vided. suspicious. hos tile. and self–
sceking. And the maj ority of man–
kind seethes in frustra tion.
You we re not asked whether you
wi hed to be pl unged into the nu–
clear age. Society was not consulted .
No group of scientists, government
lea ders. military men, and represen–
tatives of all the millions of " not
quites" sat down to seriously. care–
full y. tudiously ponde r the haza rd s
versus tbe benefi ts of a nuclear age.
But wa rs a re onJy a part of why
people resign themselves to "not
qu ites." The conditi ons of life
around them are another vital par t.
Whether it's racism. the squalor of
th e ghetto, or the huge piJ e of rust–
ing junk in th e back ya rd now
grown fam iliar to them. th ey soon
learn to accep t these thi11gs as the
"s tatus quo" and li ve with them.
That's "just the way it is." they tell
thernse lves . "That's the way the ball
bounces" a 11d " that's the way the
cookie crumbles" are the catcb–
phrases for excu s in g th e " not
qui tes." They' re expressio11s of futi l–
ity, resignatio11. and frustration.
Perhaps you' re one of th e ma11y
who practically neve r fa ils to pick
up a 11ewspaper, hear a radio news
broadcast, or read a particul a rly
11ausea ting article in a magazine
and ge t a ll- fi red mad about it.
Perh aps it's reading, now, about
cont inua ! new revelations of the
da ngerous side elfects of " the pill. "
Or maybe you grow angry (s ti ll it
seems only the few do. anymore)
when reading or terrible, brutal
stabbi ngs. slashings, bludgeon i11 gs.
mindless terrorism, political kidnap–
pings, rapes. shootings, bank rob–
beries, burglar ies- even when these
thi11gs happen to someone else.
You probably express an opinion
about these th ings. You may decry.
deplore, reject, criticize, ami gel1 er–
ally condemn all you wish. but
there's not a single thing you can do
about it. Or at least so you think.
On dec1sions made by the local
school boa rd , the tax laws, or th e
int rusions into your prívate life by
a ny number of other regu la tory
age nci es , why bothcr to speak?
Th ey' re a l! a part of the ponderous
intrica te. bureaucrati c morass of so–
cie ty - someth ing so huge you can't
unde rs ta nd it. let a lone try to
change it.
So lillle by little. as you grew into
a ready-made world , accidentally,
yo u learned to accept mild opinions,
i11d ignatio11 s, and disgust ph ilosoph–
ica lly.
You lea rn ed you could spout ofr
in the ba rber chair, at the bea uty
shop, or on th e courthouse steps, or
in prívate conversa tion all you wish
- but that you we re power less todo
any thing about it. You soon lca rned
to live wi th many "not quites." And
yo u pa tiently sit back and wait.
"Some day' ' you hope things will
cha ngy. "Some day" you fi gure
peo ple may begin doing th e right
thin g even by mistake.
Do you get th e point? There is a
futi lity about us today - a defeat–
ism - a wi lüngness to live with no
solut ions and no a 11swers th at is
eve rywhcre ev ident. Too many
people have res igned themselves to
mediocrity in life. They 're unhappy
- mildly frustra ted- yet will ing to
accept those ·'not quites" in üfe in
favo r of taking the k11ocks th at will
su rely come wit h rea l involvement
in sorn e burning issue.
But it's about time m'ore people
became involved - really i11vo lved!
lt's time people did get a bttle ex–
cited about the issues, instead of
mildly musing over them a few mo–
ments, and then continuing alo11 g in
th eir own private rut of li fe .
You know th e issues: the popu–
lation explosion; the wars a nd
threa t of more; th e starva tion: the
drought and fa mine in Asia and Af–
rica; the mounting crime and vio–
lence in the Wes tern wo rld : the race
ha tred all around you; the sacri–
ficing of millions of children on the
a ltar of divorce and lust; the ha rd–
co re pornography.
Yet when co11 fronted with these
issues. most of us just grow liule
ph ilosop hic a l ca ll o uses - and
But you don't need to fee l help–
less. You ca n ge t involved in these
vi ta l issues - yes. worldwide issues
of mammoth importance and sig–
We, of This Great Work,
Are lnvolved!
We, of "The World Tomorrow" pro–
gram 011 radio and televi sion a11d of
The P/ain Trurh
volved! We don' t merely ph ilo -
ophize. argue or express a "point of
view." Rather. we continue
th is dying. sin-sick world of tbe hor–
rible, un imaginable consequences of
man 's unbeli evable stupidity! Man
has rejected his God! He yea rns for
peace and is going in the exact op–
posite direction from peace toward
wa r. unhap piness, f utility. useless–
ness, and fa ilure!
There is not another work 011
earth like this one!
We. in this Work of God , are not
"wa iting it out' ' - resigning our–
selves to the " 1101 quites" - the
s rn a ll disa ppo in tmen ts. Ra ther.
we' re continua lly inspired. thrilled
by new developments and new pro–
grams .
Millio11s listen to my voice ove r
the air, and that is deeply rewa rding
and sa ti sfying to me. and to al! of
us! Hundreds of thousands can now
watch our programs on television.
Mill ions have read the vital book–
let on the true origin of the Ameri–
can and British peoples, a11d their
imrn ediate destiny. Millions have
read the hard-hitting articles of
Plain Truth ,
and dozens and dozens
of tho usand s have sat down to
deeply study and learn more about
th eir Bibles, the ve ry Word of the
li ving God, through
Good News
magazine and the Ambassador Col–
lege Correspondence Course.
People in Ghana, Ind ia, Au st ra–
li a, Western Europe, North. Central
and South America. Indonesia, a11d
Mexico - in fact, people worldwide
- a re being moved! Their li ves have
bee n profoundly influenced
changed - by the impact of th is
last-ditch elfort of Jesus Christ!
They' re learnjng
/i ve,
to make their marriages happy. how
to lovingly rea r their children, how
to obey God 's laws given them for
th eir good, how huma11ity will be
And many of thern a re ge tting
in volved! Many of them a re getting
a ll the way in volved wi th God their
Fa ther, and th e Work of his Christ!
lf you wou ld like to know how
you ca n become persona lly involved
in th is great Work, write for our free
booklet entitled
Come Help Human–
This new publ ication shows
wha t this global crusade for sanity is
a l! about. Ma iling addresses are on
th e back cover of this magazine.