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ow that you 've hada chance to look over the
Plam Truth
magazme, we hope you 'll agree tt's
better than ever. As you can see, we 've returned to the
popular, full-color, news-magazme formal. Now 48
pages, each issue is packed with hard-httting, incisive
arttcles from
Plain Truth
's unique perspecttve.
The Pla1n Truth
is unlike any other publ tcation
world . lt keeps you
of the ttmes by analyzing
world events m the light of Btble prophecies. MaJOr
events now takíng place in the world were being pre–
dicted 35 years ago in
The Plain Truth.
And the real.
news is yet to occur in the near future. In addt!ton,
The Plain Truth
points the way to more successful liv–
tng and offers practtcal solutions to the problems of
everyday ltfe .
Throughout the year , we'll be giving you a wide selec–
tion of sttmulating , thought-provoktng reading. Here's a
small sampltng of articles already m the works:
• Why Parents Are Running Away from Home
• What Does the Bible Say Abou t Ast rology?
• Noah 's Ark- FOUND?
• Euthanasia - Do We Have a Right to Die?
We ' ll be happy to keep sending you the magazine, but
you must let
know right away
that you want to con–
tinue recetving tt. Just return the attached envelope
wtth the appropriate boxes checked.
As you may know,
The Plain Truth
has a/ways been
supported by the contributions of concerned readers.
In the past, however, we have not mformed our general
readersh tp of our ftnancíal needs. But now, sptralmg
publishmg costs make tt increasingly difficult for us to
make thts quality magazme available to all who want
and need it. So we must take you into our confidence
and ask for your support.
Can you contribute $5.00 or more to
The Plain
with your renewal?
Your generosity wil l be greatly apprec iated . Your con–
tribu!lon (tax-deducttble in U.S.) wi ll help make it pos–
sible for us to contmue the magazme in tls present
formal and wtll help make
The Plain Truth
's benefits
available to others less fortunate. Of course, those who
cannot afford a donation at this time may still feel free
to request the magazine.
But whatever your decision, we must hear from you as
soon as
possi~e .~
en¡oy your magazme - poss1bly more than any other
have ever
read on a cont1numg bas1s. lt offers more "eye-openmg · ex–
planatlons lor some or the commonty 1gnored and unexpla1ned 1n–
cons1stenc1es m our t1me than
have ever read - belore or s1nce
get a lot lrom your ed1tonals and art1cles Keep up the good workl
James R Peterson.
Blackloot tD
Even though we have TV and rad10. we st1t1 don t get as much as
what comes mto our heme through your wonderful magaz1ne
Mrs Rose K Bender
North Hollywood. CA
t get more ¡oy more pteasure. and more sahsfact1on out of read–
The Plam Truth
The Good News
than the local newspapers.
So here
my contnbuhon for
The Plam Truth.
would be lost w¡th–
oui •t ThanK you very much
Nell1e Anderson
Sl1reveporL LA