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Garner Ted Armstrong
ATV ProgramWorth
Plain Truth Editor Garner Ted
Atmstrong is present/y on lo–
cation in Egypt where he is
interviewing top Egyptian offi–
cials and taping on-the-spot
radio and television programs
on the Mideast situation. In
place of his regular column,
we present this informative
background story behind the
Garner Ted Armstrong televi–
sion program.
he Garner Ted Armstrong televi–
sion program is a weekly haJf–
hour program dealing wilh tap–
ies of social, national, and global
importance. Many
Plain Truth
ers are, of course, familiar with it.
But for those wbo are not, we would
like to acquaint you with GTA-TV
by letting you read sorne of the
comments others have made about
the program.
One of the first GTA programs this
season was entitled "Nuclear Energy:
Risk or Remedy?" A few days after it
aired we received this letter:
"I wonder
it might be possible
for the [U.S.] Senate Committee of
Government Operations to obtain
from you a copy of your transcript
from the program 'Nuclear Power–
Risk or Remedy?'
"We will be holding hearings in
January on the subject of nuclear
proliferation and would certainly
appreciate baving the knowledge
contained in the transcript."
The Kansas City Regional Office
of the Federal Energy Administra–
tion wrote, calling the program
"... excellent ... in that it explores
aUsides of the nuclear issue without
imposing unwarranted conclusions
upon the viewing audience....
an invaluable document which will
prove beneficia! in increasing en–
ergy awareness." Their office re–
quested a tape copy of the program
for distribution " ... among Kansas,
M issouri , Iowa and Nebraska
e lectric/gas utilities, consumer
environmental groups, state energy
offices, public regula tory commis–
sions, and public education institu–
One of January's GTA programs
was on alcoholism, entitled "Here's
to Your Last Drink." The California
State Office of Alcobolism inquired
about obtaining copies of the pro–
gram for their own use. From tbeir
was an exceUently presented,
well balanced, and honestly por–
trayed picture of a very serious and
difficult problem. Tbe problern of
a lcoholi sm a nd a lcohol abuse,
touching so many social, physi–
ological , spiritual, and psychological
facets, are very difficult to portray
accurately (Jet alone to begin to
cope with)! You and your staff are
certainly to be commended for a
very professional job."
This same prograrn brought sev–
era! letters from health-oriented or–
ganizations simi lar to the following:
"I am a therapist at St. Anthony
Hospital [Oklahoma City] on the
Alcohol Treatment Unit and aro in–
terested in tbe possibility of either
borrowing, renting or purchasing
[the alcobolism program] for view–
ing by our a lcoholic patients."
Each season one or more GTA
programs are generally devoted to
exploring sorne of the marvels and
intricacies of nature. One such pro–
gram this year was about ocean lile,
en titled "Showcase of the Deep."
An associate professor of zoology at
Mississippi State University wrote:
was tboroughly impressed by
your film and, therefore, called tbe
TV station immediately for more in–
formation . ... I am very interested
in obtaining this film to show to my
wonder if you
will loan 'Showcase of the Deep' to
us free."
In addition to tbe topics men–
tioned above, the GTA program
this season has also dealt with inter–
national relations (a program en–
titled "NATO: Who Needs It?"),
ag ricultur e ("Tbe American
Farmer: Caught in the Middle"),
and personal finances ("Should You
File Bankruptcy?").
Future Programs
Garner Ted Arm s trong is
presently in Egypt with severa!
members of our television crew and
with our mobile video tape unit,
whicb we call the "Video Pod."
constructed to fit inside an a ir–
freight container so that it can be
shipped by air to distant locations.)
This trip to Egypt is designed to
produce three on-location programs,
hopefully including one prograrn
primarily composed of a discussion
between Garner Ted Armstrong
and Egyptian President Anwar Sa–
dat. Tbese programs will probably
a ir in April or early May.
Jmrnediately before tbe Egyptian
trip, Mr. Armstrong taped a two–
program series on juvenile crime.
And sbortly to go into production is
a program that will examine the
possibility that significant climate
changes are taking place which may
alter the earth's food-growing ability.
Check the Garner Ted Armstrong
television log. If tbere is a station
your area carrying the Gamer Ted
Armstrong program, try lo catch the
remainder of our season. We' ll be
trying to make it worth your while.
- Ron Horswe/1
PLAIN TRUTH Aprii-May 1976