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also had dangerous "spiUover" ef–
fects on the family. lt is now much
harder, perhaps even impossible, for
parents to protect their children
against the lowest form of literature
and pictorial journalism. Children
and teen-agers are now exposed to
the rawest displays of nudity a t
many bookstores and newss tands.
The daogers cannot be under–
estimated. Pornography is like any
ot her addiction:
is possible to de–
velop a tast e for it. Although lip
service is paid to the protection of
chil dren and minors, more and
more young people are being ex–
posed to a way of thinking and a
way of Efe which could destroy their
future happiness. Tt should be no
surprise that specialists today are
having to dea l with cases of 12 and
13 yea r olds who indulge in regular
intercourse. To them it is nota rela–
t ionship, but only an act.
Well did one police officia l say -
following a major rape conviction -
to those who consider that censor–
ship of pornography interferes wi th
the liberty of the individual: "Let
[them] refiect upon the victims of
these crimes and ask themselves if
they wou ld express these views if
the victiros were their own relatives
and friends. "
The Real Motives
What are the
motives of the
intellectual pornophiles? They ap–
pea r to be mixed. Sorne no doubt
genuinely believe it should be avail–
able "by right" as a "harmless" in–
gredien t of a free society.
But th ere is little doubt that
others are defending it as a too! to
ultimately belp destroy the free so–
ciety that spawns it, and tbus de–
stroy the truly worthwhile values of
that society. If th ey can use pornog–
raphy to help erode and sap the
strength of a society wbose present
structure they wish to see swept
away, well and good. As we bave
attempted to show, it is a powerful
incentive to crirne and increased im–
morality, as well as a nauseating
means of attacking and damaging
the marriage institution. It is an
ideal weapoo to use to weaken
Western civi lization, to undermine
the foundations of ou r society, and
thus to pave the way for a new -
presumably Marxist - society. Yet,
paradoxically, one of the first things
to disappear in the new communist
society would be pornography. Any–
one who doubts that should try the
"high life" in Havana or Ho Chi
Minh City.
should be no surprise to us that
The Lilfle Red Schoolbook
try to tell schoolchildren that por–
nography is " harmless" and recom–
mend to them to " try" anything that
"looked interesting." This publica–
tion has communist authors and ex–
pounds a Marxist philosophy. As
one of the authors later admitted. it
was a calculated exercise in an–
archy. Are we surprised that the
original Danish version was s ubsi–
dized by Maoist funds? Yet Article
228 of the Soviet criminal code,
chapter 10, makes publishers and
distributors of pornography liable to
fines and imprisonment. As the
Longford report points out. th is
chapter deals with "crimes against
public security, public order, and
the health of the population." Soviet
authorities clearly seem to know
more about the health of society -
Sil SIN?
Sex - a controversia! subject
from time immemorial - has
been labeled as everything
from "a necessary evil " to a
panacea for almost every–
thing . The truth, obviously,
lies somewhere between
these two extremes. The
a balanced view from a bibli–
cal perspective. For your free
copy, write to
The Plain Truth
at the address
nearest you
er for our ad-
a t least in this respect - than their
Western counterparts.
A quote from Professor lrviog
Wall Street Journal
pinpoints the contrasting lega l pri–
orities of our twisted "liberals" : " In
the United States today the law in–
sists tbat an 18 year old girl has the
right to public fornication in a por–
nographic movie - but only if she is
paid the mínimum wage."
Po rnography is a big business.
The profiteers are not concerned
with the of others. Their
values are defined in terms of "box
office," "circu la tion," and "sales."
For example Bob Guccione, pro–
prietor of
magazine, at
one time considered the rival publi–
Men Only
to be indecent
when it began introducing full fron–
tal nudity. Now that he has himself
discovered tbe commercial value of
pubic hair, he i.s really
One result is a 40-room mansion
being built in Manhaltan.
Poroography is a ruthless com–
mercial con job. More and more
people, especially young people, are
being lured by its siren song. But it
often brings only progressive frus–
tratioo and despair. Th i.s cruel de–
ception offers broken families,
broken lives and disease. And it can
lead the weak to crirne.
Yet why is it that the millions of
upright, citizens who do
not go along with this boom
nography just sit back and do noth–
ing while our once stable society i.s mauled by the media to the
applause of the ignoramuses of the
intellectual fringe and the con–
spirators of th e far left?
It is time the majority Jet its voice
be heard in opposition to those who
are out to warp national morality
a nd integrity. lt's past time that
people should be made fuUy aware
of the harmful effects of pomography.
True va lues and real knowledge
of the type that can briog genuine
happiness and fulfilled lives (sex–
ually a nd otherwise) seem to go un–
prometed and unadvertised these
days. For fu rther i.nforma tion on sex
and morality
society, write for
our free booklet entitled
Is Sex Sin?
Certainly any society with its own
long-term ioterests at heart will
have to learn to contain the cu lt of
the sensual and sa lacious.
PLAIN TRUTH Aprii-May 1976