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tion, of party political mud-sling–
ing," going on in Washington whi le
the interests of the Western alliance
go by default.
In late January, Belgian Defense
Minister Paul Vanden Boeynants
openly called for a truly unified Eu–
ropean defense system. Such was
imperative, he said, because the
continent could no longer put aU its
trust in the United States. "What
would become of us if the U.S. nu–
clear umbrella were to disappear to–
rnorrow?" he asked. "The farmer in
Nevada does no t care about far–
away Europe."
Korea's Fate, Japan's Future
Korea is another hot spot where
American purpose and willpower
will undoubted ly be tested. North
Korea's Presiden! Kim ll Sung has
never tlagged in his determination
to get the Americans out of South
Korea and unify t he península un–
der the communist banner. His fif–
teen million peop le have been
indoctrinated with fierce Korean na–
tiona lism and batred ofthe U.S.
General George S. Brown, chair–
man of the U .S. Joint Chiefs of
Staff, calls Korea "the most obvious
location in this region for an out–
break of hostilities."
How would America react under
such a situation? Would it sit idly by
and ignore a solemn commitment
made to an ally?
Unlike the relationship with
South Vietnam, the U.S. has a de–
fense treaty with South Korea, rati–
fied by Congress. "If we abandon
this treaty," warns Dr. Kissinger,
" it
would have drastic consequences in
Japan and all over Asia."
One of the major reasons the U.S.
remains in Korea is the importan!
role it plays in the defense of Japan,
America's chief Asían a lly. Should
"The U.S. can't use its muse/es;
it can 't use its power. lt has just
become a crippled giant. "
- Shah of lran
the United States ever back out of
South Korea, the Japa nese govern–
ment would certainly take it as a
sign America is no longer willing to
defend Japan.
" lf the North Koreans take over
all Korea," said one J apanese edi–
tor, " it will be a whole new ball
game in Japan. "
A dramatic but very possible sce–
nario under sucb a retrea t could
very well be a revitalized Japanese
military power rearmed with nu–
clear weapons - a frightening con–
dition the U.S. has lo ng striven to
Why Growing Western T roubles?
In tbe face of further weakening
of Western, and particular!y Ameri–
can, resolve a nd uni ty, diplomatic
options av..lilable to free-world na-
tions are steadily narrowing. Soon,
only the roads of neutrality, ap–
peasement, or retreat may be left.
Why have America, Britain, and
other Western-type democracies lost
their national values, purpose, and
Why the growing interna! and ex–
terna! travail for the English-speak–
ing advanced nations that have
enjoyed the greatest freedoms and
prosperity in the history of the
Why is the Soviet Un ion, desp ite
great internal weaknesses, scoring
one success after a nother on the
world stage?
These conditions and the reasons
for them were prophesied in the
The Uni ted States, Britain , and
many other English-speaking and
Western democracies are mentioned
in the Bible. Ahead for many of
these nations, according to many
prophecies, are times of increasing
and unparalleled troubles.
The Bible calls the period just
ahead of us "a time of trouble, such
as never was since there was a na–
tion" (Daniel
12: 1).
Jeremiah also
prophesied this same crisis: "Alas!
for that day is great, so that none is
like it: it is even the
time of Jacob's
but he sha ll be saved out of
it" (Jer. 30:7).
But who is Jacob?
The understanding of the identity
and fu ture of Jacob is the most im–
portan! key to understanding Bible
prophecy and the meaning of
today's world events.
tells why
America, Britain, and other English–
speaking nations are heading into
mounting interna) and externa)
Bible prophecy also reveals how
Western Europe- in self-defense –
is goi ng to eventua lly react to Amer–
ica's and Britain's slumping role in
such a way as to sta rtle the world.
reveals how developing nations are
going to react to America's troubles.
And it even details the fate of the
Soviet monolith!
Nothing is more important
your Life than to understand the
meaning of today's world events.
Write today for our free booklet,
The United States and British Com–
monwea/th in Prophecy.
It will open
your eyes!
PLAIN TRUTH Aprii-May 1976