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Nuclear weapons are only part of Genn Warfare. Biological agents such
man's mass annihilation arsenal. ·0ther as anthrax. brucellois, tularemia. or ex–
weapons, while not as ostentatious or otic maladies such as glanders ·and me–
spectacular as the H-bomb. can never- lioidosis
theless be jusi as devastating.
decimation on the human poputation.
Recently, Soviet Party General Secre- For example.
fever is considered to be
tary Leonid Brezhnev implied that the so deadly that less than ten ounces. if
Soviet Union is on the verge of a tech- properly dispersed, could kili all of hu-
nological breakthrough so revolutionary manity.
that "a serious danger arises of the ere- Cbemical fireballs. A new generalion
ation of a weapon even more awesome of incendiary weapons is being devel–
tban the nuclear one."
oped which produces "chemical holo-
Brezhnev did not elaborate. but we causts" radiating thermal energy second
know that a whole arsenal of potent only to that of an atomic bomb.
Msilent killers" aiready exists or is in the
Earthquake stimulation.
late stages ofdevelopment. Sorne exam- of earthquake prediction and control
may be turned into a new kind of war-
The Laser. At the top ofalmost every· fa re - triggering massive earth tremors
body's list of new horror weapons .is the in susceptible areas.
laser. Powerfullaser guns concentrating
Sound rays. Electro-acoustical ad–
unbelievable amounts of energy into a vancements in sound pulsations have
narrow death ray traveling anhe speed demonstrated 1ha1 humans can be IO·
of light have already begun to revolu- tal!y disoriented by inaudible in–
tionize modero warfare. Pulses of over frasound. lf funher developed, sound
100 biUion watts enable laser rays lo rays may become a novel method for
vaporize and oblitera1e almost anything humán deslruction.
in lheir path.
Weather Warfare. New discoveries in
Neutron bombs . Unlike nuclear the control of the environment may
bombs, the neutron bomb could kili men bring whole populations under the curse
with a stream ofdeadly radiation. leav- of man-caused weather catastrophies.
ing machines and buildings undamaged. Torrential rains or searing droughts
Weapons that "kili" but do not "de- ·.could devastate wide areas; changes in
stroy" may already be a reality.
the ozone !ayer could also decimate or
Nerve Gas. Minute quantities ofnerve destroy alJ.Iife on ear!h .
agents much like §arin or
gas can
Other new weapons could alsó be
wreak incredible havoc. killing millioos cited, bul surely the laser and the neu–
upon millioos of unsuspecting human tron bomb are prime candidates for ful–
beings worldwide. Just one canister of filling the enigmatic prop.hecies in the
the new generation of high potency book of Revelation which seem to de–
nerve gas is estimated to be capable of scribe a strange new class of sophis-
killiog 1 billion people.
ticated weaponry.
a certa'in prelude to all-out war. "Mini–
oukes" on sbort· or medium-range
planes, Jand mines, rockets, howitzers,
and already face each other
acroS5 NATO and Warsaw Pact firing
But a " liroited nuclear exchange"
anywhere in the world is playing Rus–
sian roulette with the survival of all
Mank.ind on the Tigbtrope
Witb Slllall as well as large nations
strapping on their nuclear gunbelts, one
cannot belp but feel apprehensive about
the survival
for the human
Over 100 wars and cónfticts- over 50
of them significan! in size - have oc–
curred since the end of World War 11. A
score are either ft.aring, siromering, or
threatening to break out anew today.
How long will
be before tbe next
local war in the Middle East turns into a
nuclear war around the world? Even
more chilling is the prospect of nuclear
weapons falling into tbe bands of terror–
ist groups such as the Palestine Libera–
tioo Organization. Which city would
they hold for ransom? Wbat governroeot
would they blackmail?
How long can nations of the world
continue to live under such hair-trigger
conditions the gun goes off? WiU
the world indeed someday erupt into the
JANUARY 1976 .
ultimate doomsday war that could erase
all Jife off this good green planet?
World War
around tbe corner? And
if it is, could we survive such a holo–
caust? Or will roan find sorne way to live
at peace among his own kind? In other
words, can mankind put an end to war
before war puts an end to mank.ind?
Christ said, referring to one of the
prOphetic sigl)als that would herald the
end of an a·ge, "And ye shall hear of
wars and rumours of wars" (Matt. 24:6).
"Which Wars?"
Certainly there bave always ·been
wars. And certainly Christ's words had
particular meaning for that day and age.
Within a few short decades Roman le–
gions under the command of Titus
sacked, bumed, and pillaged the city of
• Jerusalem.
But Jesus' warning about war was also
applicable to aoother period in history.
In tbe book of Revelation, Christ, speak–
ing througb the apostle John, amplified
sorne of bis previous prophetic state–
ments. lo the sixth cbapter, John writes:
"And there went out another horse that
was red: and power was given lo him
lhat sat thereon to take peace from the
earth, and that they should üll one an–
other: and there was given unto him a
great sword" (Rev. 6':4).
John was not speaking about the fall
of Jerusalem. That war was already •
Dr.HenryKissinger: "The.West–
ernworldseems tobeOoatlng
lilledwith destructiveevents."
Dr. Robert H.eilbronner: " . . • no–
body is equipped to deal with
problems that are rushing In on
us, from inflatlon to nuclear
Adlai Stevenson: "No physical
per/1 greater than atomic war
has conlrontedmortal man
since the Flood."
Dr. Albert Einstein: "There is no
delense in sclence aga/nst the
weapons which can destroy civ–
sorne twenty years béhind him. John
was referring'IO future events lhat would
bring 6,000 years of human history
crashing toa cataclysrriic
The conlext of the book of Revelalion
alone dernonstrates this. In chapter ·
verse 16, John writes of an anny of200
million men. There were barely that
many roen on earth in the days of Christ
or the apostle John , according to de–
mographers. Until .the nineteenth cen–
lury it would have been impossible to
field an anny this big, even if· all the
nations of the world bad pooled their
manpower resources.
Decidedly Unconventional War
A grisly picture of fulurislic warfare is
graphically depicted in this same chap–
ter of Revelalion: "And there carne out
of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and
unto them was given power, as the scor–
pions of the earth bave power .. .. And
the shapes of the locustS were like unto
borses prepared unto battle; and oo
their heads were as it were crowns like
gold, and their faces were as the faces·of
rnen. And lhey had hair as the hair of
women, and their leeth were as the teeth
of lions. And they had breaslplates,.as it
were breastplates of iron; and the sound
of their wings was as lhe sound of chari–
ots of many horses runoing lo battle.
And lhey had iails like unto scorpions;
and there were stings in their tails: an·d
French President Valery Giscard
d'Estaing: "The world ls un–
happy. Unhappy because lt does
not know where it is going and
because lt guesses that, 11 it
knew, it would be that ft ls going
catastrophe. "
Dr. W. H. Pickering: " In half an
hour the East and the West
could destroy clvilizatlon. "
Gen. Douglas MacArthür: "We
have had our last chance. 11 we
w/11 not devise some greater. and
more equftabte system, Arma–
geddon wi/1 be at the door."
SirBertrand Russe/1: " Never
slnce human beings 1/rst existed
have they been laced
f!reat a dange_r
t~f't w_hlt;~
they have brought upon
tlífim•· " ...
se/ves by a comblnation ol unri–
valed ski// and unrlvaled folly."
Dr. Herbert York: '!The arms
race ls
steady open spiral
downward toward oblivion:"
their power was to hurt men five
months" (Rev. 9:3, 7-10).
Could John have been poetically re–
modero day weapons such as
jels, rockels, or missiles? How would
men be tormenled and not die? Could
they be suffering from radiation sickness
or the effects of germ warfare? What
John was referring to is almost impos–
sible to ascertain - but it certainly
wasn't lhe normal, conveotional warfare
ofhis day.
Whatever it was, it was only the be–
ginning of man's future wartime woes.
· Using stark apocalyplic language. John
goes on io describe a massive army of
200 million meo in verse 17: "And thus
saw the horses in tbe vision, and them
that sat. on them, having breastplates of
fire; and of jacinth, 'and brimstone: and
the beads of the horses were as the
heads of lions; and out of their mouths
issued fire and smoke and brirostone."
Notice lhe awesome toll these weap–
ons take: "By these lhree was the third
part of roen killed, by the fire, and by
the smoke. and by tbe brimslone, which
issued out ofth_eir moulhs" (verse 18).
Could the lethal smoke John describes
be radioaclive fallout from future nu–
clear wcapons? And could the tire be the
therroal radiation effect?
Again, al! we
do at this point is
speculale on what could happen. But the
(Continued on next page)