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- ==========--=-======--=-==========-- ......_======-==-==========-===============plain.ttuth
Garner Ted Armstrong
The HollowShell
On the East River
he "Dis-united Non-nations" have
done it agaín. They have votad to
link Zionism wíth raclsm in what the
U.S. Ambassador Daniel Moynihan
labeled " an infamous act. ••
By now you've all heard about it. Per–
haps you heard sorne of the rhetoric on
televislon newscasts.
And by thé way. dld you notice who
votad In favor
that resolutlon? Nations
such as Yemen, South Yemen, the United
Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka - In fact. vir–
tually the entirety ol the Thlrd Wortd. Also
on the l!st were such " powers" as Oman
and Mali. And SAo Tomé e Príncipe. A lot
of you don't even know where those na–
tions are locatad.
SAo Tomé e Príncipe, for your informa–
tlon, ís nothing but a couple of islands
jusi oH the west coast.of Afrlca, below the
bulge of the continent. lt's a formar Por–
tuguesa colonial possesslon whlch,
along with Angola and other Portuguesa
reason and international cooperation . 11
was callad "man's last hope for wortd
peace." 11 was said by the great leaders
of that t ime that the only real solution to
the world's problems was a wortd govern–
ment. Many idealists saw the United Na–
tions as a step in that direction.
was bllled as being a place where
nations, larga and small, could all glve
volee to their various ideas on how to
create a new world order out ol the rav–
ages of global war. The nations could
attempt together to tackle problema com-·
mon to them all - economic reconstruc-
The way of peace they know nOt;
no judgment In
thelr go/ngs.
- Isa/ah 59:8
colonias In Africa, have recently achíevad
tion and development, health, and food,
among others. And
could, when
Silo Tomé e Príncipe has an aírstrip,
necessary, act upon resolutíons lo con-
but not much else. 1stopped there for jet demn the actions ·of any member-state
fu el one lime. Yet it has one vote in the • who would vlolate the U.N. charter.
U.N. General Assembly. In thls regard the
al the grotesque house of
vote of Sáo Tomé e Prrnclpe ls exactly cards that,the ''Dís-united Non-natlons"
equal to that of the Unltad States, Franca,
really has become. lnstead of belng .a
Belgium, West Germany. or the Soviet house of harmony and reason, lt has long
Unlon. (Oh. excuse me. the Soviets
since turnad lnto a den of anlmosity, rac-
tually have three votes - in case you
lsm, resentment, anger, hatrad, and an
didn't know that. Back In 1945 ol' Joe lncradlble amount of plain old geopoliti-
Stailn lobbied for addilional votes for the
cal rhetoric. Most especialty. the organi-
"republics" of Belorussl a and the zation's Generai ·Assembty platform has
Ukraine. He actualty wantad 15 votes -
been usad time and again as a place from
one for each of his constltuenl states. but which to bitterly indlct and condemn the
the U.S. "held" the tina at three. All three,
United States.
of course, voted lor the anti-Zionist reso- '
When 1 looked at that U.N. vote on Zi-
onism, 1had to agree with what the lsraeli
Voting against the resolutlon. In addi-
aníbassador said when he callad the res-
tion to the Unitad States. were such
olutlon "nothing more than a piece ol
natlons as Belgium, Canada, West Ger-
papér. and we shall treat itas such.·· And
many, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia. lollowlng that blunt assessment. he took
Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, Franca. At that anll-Zionist
held lt up in
least, one can spot these nations without front of everybody in the General Assem-
difficulty in any atlas.
bly, tore lt in hall, and stomped oH the
The vote - which· passed by a margin
rostrum lo the wíid applause of all o!
ol 72 to 35, with 32 abstentlons - was
those who voted against that resolution
lnteresting In another regard. On the antl·
and to the glum silence of the Thlrd
Zlonlsm sida ít lncludad such strange
World natlons who votad tor ít.
bedfellows as the Soviet Uníon and
So, the entlre U.N. political framework
China. lsn't it amazíng tt'¡at these two bit· ls an 'absoluta sham. Nakad sell-lnterest
ter enemles can gel together on one and unabashed hatred rule the day.
thrng - theír mutual contempt for the
When you realiza the urgent requíre-
ment for nations to get together in her-
Il this whole rancid aHair is not the final
mony to solve the problema of war and to
nall in the coffin of the "Dis-unlted Non-
search.for peace, ·what a pity lt is to view
natlons," 1'11 be amazed.
, the holiow shell that t/1e U.N. has be-
Back In its beginning days, the U.N.
come. The U.N., as nevar before, is fuel -
was conceived as being an lnstrument of
lng the llames of conflict; as never
before. the U.N. ls a focal point of global
controversy, bltterness, and ractsm.
The Unitad Nations was formad In the
aftermath of a shocked world discoveríng
the persecution and the exterminalion of
six million Jews in Hitler's ovens. The
Unitad Nalions was establishad in a lime
when world leaders vowed that such a
holocaust could never again overtake
free people anywhere in the world. Now
the U.N., thanks lo the !arce of the one–
nation, one-vote principie and the mus–
tering of huge bloc-voting majorities. has
come full circle to condemn the very
people who were the most vivid example
of racial persecution.
The U.N. General Assembly has
come nothlng more lhan a shrill sounding
board of antl·democratic, anti-Amerlcar¡
propaganda. 1t has no power to impose a
settleme'nt upon
antagonists in
corner of the world .
the power
to generala a great deal of rhetorlc and a
great deal of publicity.
1 was surprised when 1 found that a
recent poli said that U.S. pubtic approval
of the Unilad Natlons stood at 34%. But
that was before these recent events. 1
would Imagine al least it'll be down below
10% by the time the full impact óf that
resolution flnds lts wal( into the public
consciousness.' One thing is sure: The
hollow sheli on the East River is neither a
step toward world peace or world govern–
is lt, In fact, either "unitad" or
even representativa of "nations." 1sug–
gest New York City buy the U.N. , with
borrowed Arab money. and then default.
Propheclea for Our Time Now
Viewing all of the above, ·is it any won–
der then that men and- natlons have not
succeeded In thelr .quest for world
peace? ls 11 any wonder that since the
establishment of "man' s last hope for
world peace" we have had wars and rev–
olutions going on all around the world
along with unbridlad hatrad, racism. and
entrenched ldeologícal. competition -
and we're seeing more ol these thlngs,
not less?
.Centurias ago, a newscaster looked
down beyond hls day into ours. He talkad
about a time when nations would be go–
ing to war against nations. when coali·
lions - unions, groups of nations -
would be going to war against other
groups of nations, when the governments
"Today, the U.N. - tomorrow .••"
of the earth would seem to be In a glant
And he spoke in termlnology that could
only be understood alter August 1-945 -
In the modem day of nuclear weapons
that can dellver the killing power
lo exterminate the entlre human race In
an all-out global World War 111. That
newscaster was named Jesus Chrlst.
The prophecies Jesus left behind were
so couched in futurlslic language that lt
has never occurrad to most that they re–
ter to the day in whic;;h we live and the
time jusi ahead of us in world events.
Watch Westem Europe
For inany years in
Plaln Truth
1 have
been saying that
are going to see
major events
stressed !or years
durlngilhe very depth ol U.S. lnvolvement
In Vietnam that events In both Europe
and the Middle East would someday pale
into insignificanceour preoccupation with
the war in Southeast Asia. That has
For years on
The World Tomorrow
brQadcast, 1 have talkad about an im–
pending .Unitad States of Europe. a third
superpower bloc armad eventually wi th
lts own nuclear weapons, and said that it
would emerge to become of lar more
concern to the Unlted States than .Viet–
nam ever was.
a union coming in Europe.
Now, interestingty enough, Pope Paul VI
In Rome has been saylng sorne things
about the responsib<lity of the " Christian
clvilization" to save the continent of
pe. Recently, as we reported fully in lhe
last lssue of
P/aln Truth.
the pope said
that "our misslon as blshops In Europa
takes on a gripping perspectiva." He
added that ' ·no other human force in E.u–
rope can rendar the service that is con·
fidad to us. promoters of the faith, to
awaken the Christian soul of Europa
where its unity is rootad...
lt's remarkable to read sorne of the
thlngs that are being sald about unity In
Europe today. But you may not yet t>e
aware of them unless
are a regular
reader of this magazine.
Over the entlre 13 years of his pontifi–
cate, Popé Paul has callad for European
unlty repeatadly. And so have many politi–
calleaders in Europa.
1 have reportad repeatadly that any
move toward politlcal, economic. or mili–
tary consolidation In Western Europa -
whether one speaks of the European
Coal and Steel Communily, or the Com–
mon Market, Euratom, or the European
Parliament - is a step forward in reach–
ing ultlmate, complete European unity.
Key teaders In Western Europe. espe–
cially 1n West Germany - and Franz Jo–
seph Strauss, in particular - have callad
continualty for a unilad Europa of sorne
kind, stating that
should have its own
nuclear force.
Now we have a unlque call from the
Vaticen to supply the one common factor
' to unite all of Europa. As we have said for
so many years on
The World Tomorrow
broadcast: There will have to be a uni–
fylng force beyof\d mere nationalism,
beyond even the economic, the political,
and even military conslderations. There
would have to be a deeper, unitying forc.e
of a common culture and religion to give
the diversa nations of Europe a sense of
ls this call for the "Christian con–
science of Europa" the misslng ele–
ment? o