Page 2744 - 1970S

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PLAIN TRUTH Publisher, Herbert W Armstrong, recently announced
A NEW FOUNDATION and the publication of a stril<ingly beautiful
The world os a 1angled mass of
Masses of humanoly are divoded
by naliona l boundanes. by lan–
guages, by wealth or lack of weahh,
by geography, by ídoology. by rel i–
gion and superstition, by education ,
by race, by halred. by war, and by
enormous govemment restnCtiOns
and piles of offocoally 1angled red
Today the world 1s d1voded by
problems that are goong beyond
man' s ab1loty to solve. Never before
was there a greater need for inter–
natoonal understandong and for man
10 build bridges of poace -
tween nations. races languages.
and cultures.
The AICF ls Born
One natural outgrowth of thos
need for internatoonal understandong
1s 1he Ambassador lnternauonal Cul–
tural Foundation Th1s non-profit
foundation is dedicated 10 servong
humanity worldwide - supporling
charitable and humamtarían causes.
educallonal and cultural projects,
and. more 1mponantly. 11 adds lo
these activotoes a much needed spiri–
tual domension.
Ever smce Plam Truth publísher
Armstrong became affil–
oated with the Jerusalem archae·
o log1cal dig. the l nternational
Cultural Center for Youth, and ex·
plorations wi th Kíng Leopold - all
in the late
1960's -
he and h is
associates have been busy building
bndges between men and nat1ons.
This led directly to the creat10n of
AICF. though the actual chartenng
ol the foundahon th1s spnng was
only a legal formal1ty for actllflties
that had existed for nearly seven
This new foundation serves all -
without respect to race or national
origin . lt cuts 1hrough 1he com-
plexwes that d1v1de thos war-torn
wortd lt 1s accep1ed by alt lt os not
polot1cal lt
not denominatoonal or
" relig1ous · 1n the traditional sense.
Ye1, i1s actovit1es are based on right
values - on practica! Bible truths .
From us headquaners on Pasa·
dena. Calofornoa. the Ambassador In·
ternatoonal Cultural Foundatoon now
dorects or co-sponsors humanotanan
and cultural pro¡ects wortdwode -
from explorauons on the Andaman
lslands to educauonal prOJects on
Thaoland. from benefus for hando·
capped ch1ldren 10 ma1or musocal
and cultural events; from agricul·
tural research to archaeological ex·
The goals and purposes of AICF
have met w11h such success that we
now have S1s1er foundations m both
Japan and lnd1a Mr. Armstrong has
also authonzed the developmenl of
such " s1ster organ1zations' m sev·
eral othor areas outside 1he United
Slates We wlll seo these developmg
in the near future.
But that's not alll
Begmning woth a fall prevoew 15-
sue. the AICF will begin publocat1on
of a powcrful new magaz1ne1
Human Potentiat Magazine
In May of th1s year. we began to
realiza the need for
totally unique
publocat1on - ono thal would be
read by leaders in government. edu·
cation and 1ndustry worldwide and
one thal would serve and promete
the act1vitoos of the foundation,
atlowing for a powerful sporotual
message So a working " dummy"
of a new magazone - HUMAN PO·
was designad and
1s top quality in
Samplo copies have already been
d istributed to some of Mr. Arm·
strong ·s overseas friends. and their
reac1ions were very enthusiasticl
Hero are a few of the forst congratu·
la1ory messages from Japan and ln–
d•a - sent via telex .
To · Dr. Herbert
Armstrong, Am·
bassador lntemetionol Cultural Foun·
dation, Pasadena. CA
" Congratula/lons on foundmg of
the Ambassador lnternatronal Cul·
tural Foundation at Pasadena and rts
srster organrzatrons m Tokyo and
Bombay. We are proud to promote
thll success of the foundation world·
wide, as we find rts ObfiiCtrves uni–
versal for al/ menkind We are
particular/y pleased wrth tho founda·
tion 's new publication HUMAN PO·
TENTIAL and are delightad to know
that a Japanese edition rs m the
planning. We know that i t wi/1 b6
for the Japanese
contrrbutrng arti·
eles to both the Englrsh and Japa·
nese editions and are deeply honored
to have our names wrth you in this
truly meaningful effort...
Bunsei Sato, Kerwa Okuda,
Ha1ime /shii,
Japonesa Dret Members
' Hearty congratulatrons on the
euguration of Ambsssador lnter·
national Cultural Foundetron and
your new publica/ron - HUMAN
POTENTIAL. Japan welcomes estab–
lishing a sister foundation
and Bombay. We promrse fu// coop·
erat ion with the foundation in Ja.
pan ..
Toshio Yamaguchr. Member.
ofRepresentatives. Japan
. . .
" Congratulations on thll estab·
lrshment of Ambessador lntllr·
nlltional Cultural Foundation .
Wishing great success in publishing
HUMAN POTENTIAL. and believe it
wi/1 be the most required and signifi·
cent magezine in thll world. 1 feel a
strong responsibility and em most
happy to work with you and Profes·
sor Gotoh rn Japan "
Jun Matsufufr,
Mrnrstry of Finance, Japan
. .
"Al/ my support for Ambassador
Internatrona/ Cultural Foundation and
i ts promotion of human coopera/ion
and und11rstanding through culture
and educotion. Please accept my
congratulations for efforts to pro·
motll world p11ace and internacional
cordialrty Wrsh you al/ success
Fully 11xpect your wonderful n11w
- ro
edvanc11 the cause of world
fraternrty and b11 as uniqu11 as you
yours111f hav11 always been Yours
with warm reg11rds. "
Nagendra Singh. Justic11.
lntemational Court ofJustice
As of 1h1s wrotong, we havo
coivod many more such onthus1astoc
responses from our fnonds 1n Eu·
rope, Afroca. 1he M1ddle East, the
Ph1hpp1nos. lnd1a. Japan, Tha1land
and elsllwhere lt has been very en·
couragong .
Porhaps the most definitiva re·
sponse of all was 1ha1 of the Eduor·
in-Ch1efl Alter the edolonal staff had
preparad a " dummy" copy of
strong wrole
lotter explarnong lhe
purpose of the new magazrne to the
foundat1on s1aff and o1her world·
wode employees of 1h1s Work Here
are excerpts of thal letter:
"Under tloe auspices of the new
foundatron, 1 hove authorized tha
publrcation o/ a new magazone, p11r·
ticulorly editad as a pare of this new
dimensron of thll Work - a maga·
zine thec wr/1 go before krngs and
heads of govornments
momhly, srx rssues a year. lt wr/1
have a largorpaga srze than the orrgr
na/ Plain Tru1h . of the very highest
queliry in 11very way - in paper
stock. fu// · colorprinting, etc.
" lt wi/1 contain artictes on the very
purpose ol human life upon thll
earth. On rhe awesome human po·
tentoall On the way to world peaco,
and how rt wi/1 come in our trme lt
wr/1 carry the true gospel message.
rn the ssme plarn and understandable
yllt non-religious soundrng -
languag11 1 use in my speeches and
lecturlls, and in conversations wrth
world leoders le wi/1 pul emphesis
on reveoling whot science has nev11r
discoverlld, relig10n has never re·
veeled, educa1oon has never taught.
" Thrs nllwmagazine. of necessrty,
wr/1 hav11 only a lrmited Clfculatron
- editlld prrmarily to contonue re
peatedly every 1ssue that which 1 re·
vea/ rn my present meetrngs and
campargns lts circulation wr/1
elude top govemment and profes·
sional people in such countries
Japan, India, Egypt, Israel. Thailand.
Jordan. Indonesia. and of course in