Page 258 - 1970S

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very few people really ENJOY life
abundantly and to the full. Even the
most successful
business may have
had bank accounts that were full - but
their Iives were empty. F rom a child 1
had had a passíon for UNDERST.ANDING.
I leacned the Iaws that p roduced finan–
cia! success for heads of industry, com–
merce, finance. But were empty lives
successful, after all?
1 was thirty-iive before 1 learned the
For every unwanted and evil result
there had to be a CAUSE. Everything is a
matter of cause and effect. And when
finaUy learned the CAUSE of discontent
and unhappiness - the CAUSE of all of
humanity's ills -
unde's explana–
tion of the value of swapping and shar–
ing ideas carne back to me.
This world's approach to lífe oper–
ates on the philosophy of
l t is the seliish way of getting
instead of giving; taking and acquiring
instead of sharing; the way of envy,
jealousy, hatred instead of outgoing
concern toward others.
There are just the TWO ph ilosophies
- or WAYS - of life. Humanity fol–
lows the self-centered way. That is the
CAUSE of all its ills.
follows the way
of lust instead of love. They are oppo–
sites. One is inward desire. The other is
1 gave a series of lectures in 1933,
in the state of Oregon - in and
around Eugene. This was the principie
expounded. 1 was explaining the PUR–
POSE of life and its meaning, the TRUE
values instead of the false, and THE
WAY that is the CAUSE of the truly suc–
cessful, happy, abundant life.
A number of lives made an about–
face. The owner of the local radio
station KORE, suggested a half-hour
broadcast to tell more people this
He and about a dozen others of very
ordinary financia! means volunteered to
contribute regularly to get this knowl–
edge to others by radío. The broadcast
started the first week in 1934. Febru–
1st, that year,
was born.
Nothing could have started smaller.
But response was beyond expectations.
There was no request for contcibutions.
There ís none today. But a small few
became contributors - and
by their g1ving, helped us GIVE this
precious knowledge of the GIVING WAY.
From that small beginning, this
Work of disseminating this KNOWL–
EDGE has grown in over 36 years to a
worldwide educational program carry–
ing its impact to hundreds of millions
on every inhabited continent.
Now there are the three campuses of
Ambassador College - in California,
Texas, and Eogland.
Visitors come daily to enjoy guided
tours over these campuses. Here they see
beauty. Here they EXPERJENCE some–
thing NEW! Here they see not only
magnificeot grounds and gardens, and
modero buildings of guality and charac–
ter. Most coospicuous is the product of
these campuses - the smiling students
who simply
Here, again, see how this principie of
giving, serving, sharing, works.
seen visitors come here with unsmiliog,
unhappy faces. After about two hours of
enjoying the campus beauty, I have seen
their faces light up in smiles.
Well, we do have happy students
here. lt's natural for happy people to
SMfLE ! But these are not forced smiles
for effect. They are different. They radi–
ate outward from within. They reflect a
happiness brimful and running over.
That's a different kind of smile. l t's sin–
cere. lt's for REAL!
Notice the principie involved. Go
toward another person with an aogry
look oo your face, calling him an
insulting name. What happens? Chan–
ces are he'll get angry and try to strike
you clown. But meet another with a
fully radiating smile, and he just natu–
rally soon returns in kind. Pretty soon
you've got him smiling with you! When
you smile at him, you are GIVING ouT
- giving out WHAT? Giving out happi–
ness! That causes him to smile back,
aod then he's giving
You still have the happiness you had
when you first smiled, PLUS the extra
added happiness he gave back to you.
Yes, you BOTH double your stock in
That's how tl1e GIVING way operates !
But now what has all this to do with
HOW - and WHERE - one of today's
}une-J uly, 1970
dollars actually goes FARTHER
than a l004: dollar did in 1902?
Well, from that beginoiog back in
January, 1934, this great worldwide
educational program has grown, aver–
aging close to a 30% growth per year.
Gradually more and more people, with–
out solicitation from us, VOLUNTEERED
to join that little family of Co-Workers
who volunteered to become regular con–
tributors. We doo't souaT contrib–
utors, because we practice the principie
of GIVING rather than getting. But we
do WELCOME those who WANT to volun–
teer to have part in a program of
GIVING that is changing lives, turning
them right-side-up, making them richer,
fuller and more abundant.
How is this worldwide enterprise of
happiness financed? Wholely by those
Co-Workers who have wanted to join
with the happiest group I know.
And now l'd hke to show you the
incredible - how each dollar put into
this Work - today's
dollar -
goes FARTHER than the
did in 1902!
Many of these Co-Workers are poor
people, financially. Most of them, how–
ever, are improving their financia! con–
dition, for sorne reason!
Ever hear of the Bíblica! expression
the "widow's mites"? Well, many of
these happy people are not able to con–
tribute more than the widow's mites.
And sorne of our researchers have been
checking to find
FAR those
"mites" go! The answer is AMAZING!
Sorne two years ago I personally
made a c¡uick calculation of this. But
now, using our computers, our research–
ers have checked this to a more accurate
result. It's very dose to my previous
Supposc a widow of smal1 means
wants to have part in sharing the
knowledge of this H.APPY way of life
with more people. She is able to con–
tribute only the two mites, $2, ten times
a year, less than once a month.
Our research shows that she would
pay for 96 pcople listeoing to
WORLD TOMORROW by radio a half
hour every day for ooe year - 365 full
broadcasts. But much MORE than that.
Her two widow's mites contributed once
a month, skipping two months ín the