ment, Ra!lio and Film Oivisions.
Pass¡:lort and Postal. Also present
were sorne of the leading indus·
trialists and commen:ial magnates,
headed by Admira! S. M . Nanda.
Chairman and Managing Director of
the Shipping Corporation of India.
the sixth largest shipping company
in the world (Admira! Nanda was the
Chief of Staff of the lndian Navy
during the recent lndia-Pakistan War
and was declarad a national hero by
his govemment). the Consul General
of Czechoslovakia and the Deputy
High Commissioners for Australia
and Great Britain.
Many of those present not only
expressed deep appreciation for Mr.
Armstrong·s remarks. but also ex·
tended invitations to him to be a
guest of honor at functions which
they were to host during our visit.
Adlniral Nanda, accoroingly, hosted
a dinner in honor of Mr. Armstrong
and Dr. Singh at the Taj Mahal Hotel
a few days later, surprising Mr. Arm·
strong by wheeling out a largo cake
in his honor, calling anention to the
fact that it was the great Creator and
Mr. Armstrong' s message of peace
which were being honored that evo·
ning. J\ltr. Armstrong was not ex·
pected to speak, but nonetheless did
deliver somo compelling impromptu
On the day before his departure.
Mr. Armstrong had three importan!
activities . First. a luncheon hosted
by a very prominent lndian family
from the exclusive Parsee sect. The
Heerjee family had been very moved
by Mr. Armstrong' s remarks and ex–
pressed a keen desire to find out
more about Mr. Armstrong and his
beliefs. which they thought were
particularly valuable anll importan!
for mankind today. Alter the lun·
cheon, during which Mr. Armstrong
again spoke, Mr. Heerjee offered to
do what he coul ll to have
strong speak before numerous
groups prior to h1s March
F'ottowing that luncheon. Mr.
Armstrong and Dr. Singh were re·
ceived by the Govemor. His Ex·
cellency Nawab Ali Yavar Jung. who
is one of lndia 's most prominent citi·
zens. The governor had previously
been ambassador to Argentina ,
Egypt , Franco and the _United
States. and as govemor of the State
of Maharashtra, is atso the chancel·
lor · of the ten universities in that
state, including the University of
Bombay. Mr. Armstrong and Dr.
Singh covered a variety of subjects
with the governor. primarily in the
fielll of education and the efforts of
•Mr. Armstrong and Dr. Singh lor
world peace in th ei r mutual
lields. O