Page 2547 - 1970S

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complex and frightenong prophetoc
ideas of 1he futuro (sometomes only
fully known to insiders) . often re–
gardong 1heir own ultomalo recogno–
toon and supremacy
Unto! recently, meonlone Chrostoan.
oty has largely (and oronocally) og–
nored prophecy- when . accordong
10 ots professed scroptures. ot should
havo been leading the pack woth
conunuous emphasos on prophecy
as onstructed by its claomod founder
(Matthew 24. Mark
21 ,
Revelatoon . etc.)
However. a growong segment of
fundamental ist and evangelocal
Chrosllanory has recently become
more concerned about prophecy -
actually since
whan onterest
was substantially enhanced by the
Israelí capture of the old city of Jeru–
salem in the Six-Day War. In the
past seven years. a largo number of
books and magazones havo been
published regardong all facets of bib–
local prophecy. And oven more re–
cently, with the specter of
wodespread massove famones. world–
wode economic catastrophe, and
Moddle East geopalotocs paognantly
present on most people' s daoly con–
scoousness, bibl ical prophocy has
taken on new significance. (Even
those people who vehomontl y reject
the direct inspiratoon and
or the lit–
eralontorpretatoon of the Boble are re–
luctantly bemg torced to admot that
world events in the lasl quarter
the twentoeth century woll annoy–
ongly make the Bible "seem" accu–
Though interest on prophocy has
become universal. both the ap–
proaches lo prophecy ond the
prophecies themsolves widel y
diverge from one group to another.
But strangely, the general con–
clusoons of these wodely doverse
forms of prophecy converge - all
agree that humanoty os headong for
ots most calamitous. most trem–
ulous. most perolous perood of tome
on all human hostory. We are. as Wil–
loam lrwon Thompson put ot, at the
" edge of history "
Prophecy in Prophecy
lt woll
a tome of graat confusion
- relogoous and prophotoc con–
fusron to add to the confusoon creo
ated by the economoc and
geopolotocat chaos on the years
ahead The buzz word of 1he doy will
change from "atienatoon " 10 " hys–
teria ."
Boble prophecy - and now
fact- shows that an oncreasongly
dostraught and anxoous publoc will
turn us attentoon to prophecy on the
years ahead . Human beongs. espe–
c ially on catastrophoc tomes, will des–
perately desire to know the future.
And where there os a demand, there
a supply; where 1here are
buyers. there will be sellers . Proph–
ocy will be provoded. cheap and in
The last quarter of 1he twentioth
century, as we approach the year
2000. woll horaId the greatest ava–
lancha of prophetic statements. ut·
terances and proclamatoons thdt the
world has ever seen As i llogocal and
orratoonal as ot would have seemed to
a ..logocal and " rational' socoely a
few years ago. thos os now commg to
pass . To havo then prophesied thal
prophecy itself
would soon become
commonplace and eagerly accep1od
by our modern masses woufd have
sounded absurd Yel prophecy now
lives: 11 has been resurrected.
What about 1he current and soon–
comong prophecoes themselves?
Sorne woll
partly roght; most
woll be mostly wrong . To the
of everybody, or
everybody. " For there shall arose
false Christs. and fal so prophets,
and shall shew grea1 signs and won–
ders. onsomuch that. if it were
sible, they shall deceive the very
elect" (Matt
24 24).
Humanoly' s best minds havo ad–
vanced varoous themes to character–
ize the last quarter of the twentoeth
century: an energy crosos, an ecolog–
ical watershcd. a population-food
crossover. a war-peace crossroads.
They are o/1 right. But incompleto
and eventually
on an unprecedented
worldwide scale. will domínate the
scene so completely that other
human events woll become on–
sognofocant on companson. Long
thought to be dyong. religion m gen·
eral and prophecy on particular woll
make the greatest comeback on
world history.
And that's what the
Plain Truth
has been saying for
40 years.
Prophecy has been one of the pn–
mary themes of the
Plain Truth
its onceptoon on February
prophecy will
a pn–
mary theme of every issue on this
new. more comprehensive, more ur·
gent. moro frequent format.
Sub¡ects to be covered in futuro
issues lnclude: tho un iqueness of
the 20th cantury, al ternativa fu–
tures. incredible predictions, the
ruptura of hostory, lhe coming trans–
formatoon. as well as all aspects ot
prophecy scoentofoc. philosophocal.
theologocal. relogoous, occult: the
history of prophecy. the prophecy of
history. when prophecoes faol and
the dangers of prophecy.
Ploin Truth
staff will be ana–
lyzing every sogniflcant world t rend
and oven t . Personally
(and others)
will be followong developments on
prophecy and relogoon, reparting
them in these pages. All the forms
and varoetoes of prophecy and relo–
goon on today·s world will be ana–
lyzed on the context of boblocal
In othor words. we will
ing " prophocy in prophecy...
The watch prom ises to be spec–