Page 2528 - 1970S

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of understanding
ith our next issue- Volume 40, Number 2- the
Plain Truth
magazine will
enter a new era. At 22 issues per year, the new
Plain Truth
will come to
you more often with more articles and with greater urgency than ever
befare. The change in format (and frequency) is another giant step forward - the
beginning of a new chapter in the history of an amazing publication. Volume I,
Number 1 appeared in the depths of the Depression, February 1934, with a
circulation of a very few
was written entirely by Herbert W. Armstrong,
then age 41 , in Eugene, Oregon. It was duplicated on an ancient Neostyle and
mailed by Mr. Armstrong's devoted wife, Loma, out of a shoebox mailing list. Mr.
Armstrong's first printed words in that issue are still relevant to the world of 1975:
"We live today in the most strenuous hours of earth's history. Today we stand
on the very threshold of colossal events that will stagger the mind of mortal