Page 2514 - 1970S

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MOST OF THE Pygmy food comes
from the vegetable world (top left) .
Vegetables, roots, fruits, mushrooms,
vines and leaves are the main part of
the daily mea/. lmmediately above,
a child, although uncomfortable, is
s ound asleep, feeling secure as the
mother prepares the family stew.
Quite often young gir/s, emulating
their mothers, go on a firewood
safari (top right). They are not super–
vised by adults in spite of the fact
that they range in age from 2 1/z to 5
years old. They carry as much wood
as their s trength al/ows. In the
mysterious world ofgiant trees, vines
and ferns, two boys (right) on a
monkey hunt are as comfortable on
a slippery high branch as they would
be on the ground.