Page 2499 - 1970S

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The first personal appearance cam–
paign conducted by this Work occurred
in the summer of 1933 when Herbert
Armstrong spoke in person to an au–
dience packed into a 35-seat school–
house in Eugene, Oregon.
But the personal appearance cam–
paigns did not become a major thrust of
the Work until 1970, when 15,000
people heard Garner Ted Armstrong in
Nashville, Tennessee.
The campaigns "exploded" in 1973 as
over 30 cities were visitad. Ministers of
the Worldwide Church of God an–
nounced the good news brought by
Jesus Christ to audiences in such places
as Melbourne and Perth, Australia; Sas–
katoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; Seattle,
Washington; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
Auckland, New Zealand; and Honolulu,
Hawaii. In 1973 a total audience of
120,000 people saw the campaigns.
In 1974, campaign projections call
for about 40 campaigns, including six
by Garner Ted Armstrong, which will
reach a cumulative audience of well
over 200,000 people. Photos above il–
lustrate campaigns. A welcome is ex–
tended from Bossier City, louisiana. In
center, inset, Garner Ted Armstrong,
accompanied by his wife Shirley, makes
a recording while flying en route to a
personal appearance campaign.