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and lusts for power and inter–
national aggression.
"Except the Lord build the house,
they labor in vain that build it." The
United Nations organization will
fail. It is doomed before it starts!
* * * *
That is what 1 wrote in San Fran–
cisco, Sunday, April 29, 1945 -
more than a quarter of a century
1 had seen so much savage bicker–
ing and angry struggle for selfish
national advantage, I think I was
stirred to sorne heat of indignation
as I wrote.
1 remember one press conference
held by the American Secretary of
State, Edward Stettinius. We press
representatives were kept waiting
sorne 40 or 45 minutes, as I remem–
ber, before Secretary Stettinius en–
tered the room. He had been
detained by Mr. Molotov of the
U.S.S.R. in another meeting. He
burst out, in an otf-the-cuff ex–
planation, with indignation at the
unfair, unreasonable and antago–
nistic tactics the Russian had used
in detaining hirn.
I remember the scene as the chief
delegates of the "Big Three" powers
arrived at the Opera House for the
opening Plenary Sessions. Mrs.
Armstrong and I were standing on
the steps just above the front side–
walk when a Cadillac lirnousine
rolled to a stop. Out stepped Sir
Anthony Eden, smiling and hand–
some. The news photographers
asked if he would pose for a picture.
"Certainly," he smiled.
It was the same when Secretary of
State Stettinius arrived, also hand–
some and smiling.
Then two Cadillac limousines
rolled to a stop. Out of the first car
leaped seven uniformed men. l'm not
sure now, but I believe they were
armed. They dashed to the rear door
of the second car, and, with three or
four more uniformed guards leaping
out of the second car, formed a
double line before the rear door.
Grim and scowling, Mr. Molotov
stepped out between the two uní-
formed lines. Then the whole proces–
sion walked stiffiy and unsmiling,
with Mo lotov completely sur–
rounded by his guards, up the steps.
I attended a special Molotov
press conference. He was the same.
Belligerent, unsmiling, accusing the
United States, praising the U.S.S.R.
What an opportunity for the
United States to have championed
the rights of those smaller down–
trodden, ill-treated countries be–
tween East and West Europe - Es–
tonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugo–
slavia. The United States was by far
the strongest military power in all
world history then. We had the
atom bomb. Russia had no nuclear
the United States had
stood up to Russia IN STRENGTH and
given its demands, the Kremlin
would not have risked war. But we
had lost the pride of our power. We
weakly submitted to Russia's de–
mands' and threats.
And as a result the United Na–
tions has become virtually a Krem–
propaganda before the world.
The world COULD have peace - if
men in power in the great powers
were willing to sacrifice selfish na–
tional interest and personal aggran–
dizement, and if giant powers like
the United States were willing to use
their power to defend the rights of
trampled-over little nations.
But men in power are human,
swayed by human nature. They are
not willing. And so, where do we go
from here? Is humanity SELF–
DOOMED? The answer is emphat–
ically NO!
The answer
to be found in our
intriguing booklet,
The Wonderful
World Tomorrow - What It Will Be
lt's sent gratis, of course. In it
you are going to take an astonished
glirnpse into a new world - as it will
be in just ten or fifteen short years.
1'11 count it a privi lege to send this
along to you,
you haven' t read it
aiready. These problems will be
solved, after all. Personally, I look
forward in faith and confidence -
and so should you.
A new dimension of the Work of God
began in 1968 when Herbert W. Arm–
strong began meeting w ith high-level
world leaders at their request , bringing
to their attention the same announce–
ment that Jesus Christ brought to the
world nineteen hundred years ago.
Herbert Armstrong has met with the
leaders of such Asian and Near Eastern
nations as Japan, the Philippines,
South Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Ne–
pal , Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) , Thai–
land, Lebanon and Israel.
Besides meeting with kings, prime
ministers and premiers, Herbert Arm–
strong also met with Emperor Haile Se–
lassie of Ethiopia, in June of 1973 and
Emperor Hirohito of Japan, in Decem–
ber 1973.
Photo (top right) shows Mrs. lndira
Gandhi of India meeting Herbert Arm–
strong for the first time in December
1970. Photo (bottom right) shows Em–
peror Haile Selassie and Herbert W .
Armstrong upon their first meeting.
In coming months, Herbert W. Arm–
strong is beginning special personal ap–
pearance campaigns in Saigon and
Manila where hundreds of dignitaries
and thousands of other people will hear
him speak.