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Now in its seventh year of production, the
Garner Ted Armstrong telecast is carried
on 105 stations throughout the United
States and Canada, reaching many of the
important , highly populated areas. The
impact of the telecast promises to be–
come greater and greater throughout the
remainder of this decade.
n point of fact, the use of television
began in 1955 when Herbert W . Arm-
looks today
strong first began speaking on a regular
weekly television program called
World Tomorrow.
But not until 1966 did
Ambassador College really plunge into
the television field with its first purchase
of TV equipment, an Ampex TV camera
and video tape recorder. The first televi –
sion broadcast, with Garner Ted Arm–
strong, began May 11, 196 7 , on
KWHY-TV, channel 22, Los Angeles.
Daily television began July 12 ,
1972. Today, the Garner Ted Arm–
strong program can be seen in the
United States on 56 television stations
daily, another 15 weekly, and in Can–
ada on 34 stations weekly. From small
beginnings, the television program has
become a major arm of the Work of
God proclaiming the good news of the
world tomorrow.