Page 2486 - 1970S

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This Worl< of God was largely built by
the power of rad io broadcasting. Begin–
ning in January 7. 1934. a little over
forty years ago. Herbert Armstrong
made his first radio program in Eugene,
Oregon, on 100-watt-station KORE.
Within eight years, the program went
The first major international step
carne in 1953, nineteen years after the
the beginning
radio broadcast began. Powerful Radio
Luxembourg was added once weekly,
and Europe began hearing
The World
program. The picture above
shows Mr. Armstrong during one of
these broadcasts with Mrs. Armstrong
at his side and Richard D. Armstrong.
who died in an auto accident in 1958.
at the controls.
By February 1961.
The World To -
was being broadcast over 100
stations worldwide on nearly 13 million
watts of power every week. Within two
years the number of stations carrying
the program climbed to almost 150.
Today, 115 stations in the U. S.
carry the program. 56 in Canada and
64 stations in other parts of the world,
or a total of 235 in Engl ish, besides
foreign languages.