Page 2480 - 1970S

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Garner Ted Armstrong
Aren't most of the po–
sitions you've taken clearly con–
servative and pro-establishment?
What "positions"?
equate taki ng a pos ition with the
petty polit ics and ca rnal-m inded
connivi ng and chi canery of would–
be opportunists who take a "stand "
on this or that issue only to gain
favor or to perpetuate themselves in
public offi ces.
lt would be impossible lo decide
whether Jes us C hris t was "con–
servative," "liberal," "pro-estab–
lishment," or "anti-establishment"!
To people of today, the simplest
teachings of Jesus wou ld appear to
be terribly conservative and very far
on th e ri ght. To the Pharisees of his
day, his teachings appeared to be
ultra-liberal and iconoclastic to the
extreme! To the people during his
day, he a ppea red as anti-estab–
lishment ; yet, according to bis own
deepest persona l sta tements, he was
100% in favor of being subject lo the
powers that be, paying bis taxes,
and living the right example for a ll
in the community. God's Word
transcends and supersedes any so–
called clearly conserva tive or pro–
establishment positions! l utterly re–
ject the so-called establishment!
Jesus calls upon all to repent, and
repent means change! As such, ad–
vocating dynamic change of social
instituti ons, the whole structure of
marriagc, people's prívate li ves, in–
cluding the way they manage their
prívate resources, their diet and ex–
ercise programs, their choice and se–
lection of friends and hobbies alike,
1 would suppose people would label
me as "very liberal" and progres–
sive. Others, hearing me comment
strongly on the absolute require–
ment to observe God 's Ten Com–
mandments and comment ing very
powerfuUy on the idiocy of today's
revolving door "justice" in the j uve–
nile courts and the light slap on the
wrist for convicted murderers and
criminals, may fee l I am an ultra–
right-wing reactionary advocating
the return of capi tal punishment!
The point is simply this: No one
during Jesus' day ever truly "figured
out" just whe re Jesus belonged in
that society. lf l am still a big q ues–
tion mark in the minds of millions
as to just where 1 "fit" in society,
even at the time this society comes
apart at the seams as 1 am warning
it most surely will , then
shall be
sa tisfied.