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in Britai n have
steadily a nd incxorab ly los t
the ir inftue ncc on the li ves o f
the maj o rity o f the peoplc. A recent
po li ca rried out by the O pinion Rc–
sea rch Centre found tha t only 29
percent of a ll Britons now bclieve in
a pe rsona l God . 42 pe rcent never go
to church , and ano t her 11 pe rcent
go less tha n once a yea r.
This loss o f re lig ious in ll ucnce is
no less tru c of the Church o f
England - the Anglican Church -
tha n it is of the othe r churches.
In s ucccss ion to Dr. M ichae l
Ramsey. Dr. Dona ld Cogga n has as–
cended the th rone o f Augustine lo
become the
1st Archbishop of
Ca nte rbury a nd Prima te of Al!
England . Ma ny a re looking to him
to breath e new life in to the Church
o f Eng land.
Declining Fortunes
Be tween 1960 a nd 1970 regula r
church a ttenda nce in the Church of
Eng land declined by 19 percent. In
1963. 632 me n were o rda incd to the
mini stry. T en years la ter o rd inations
had droppcd to 373. Forty percent
o f the clergy a re aged 55 o r over.
a nd it is es ti mated tha t 6.000 will
have retired by 1980, to be repl aced
by only about 3,000.
Simila r d isma l figures could be
given fo r most denom inat ions in
Brita in and Weste rn Europe gener–
a lly. [n a Ga llu p po li published in
1973. 70 pe rcent ofthe Brit ish pub–
ti c thought tha t re ligion was losi ng
its inftuence in British life.
In ligh t of these sta tis tics, ma ny
a re asking wha t has gone wrong . Dr.
M e r vy n S tockwood. A ng li can
bishop of Southwa rk. sa id in an ar–
ticle in the
recen tly: ·'Today
churchmen s hould be conce rned
with the surv iva l o f the C hris ti an
fa ith as a phil osophy. a re ligion and
of lije. "
" [t is significan !," he continued.
" th a t during the decade in whi ch
the re has becn an ala rming decline
in Church a tte nda nce a nd o rdina–
ti o n ca ndi da t es . th e Churc h o f
England ha spen t more time a nd
money tha n it has ever done pre-
PLAIN TRUTH December 1974
viously upon constitutiona l refo rm,
can o n la w r ev is ion. liturg ical
changes a nd inte r-Church rela tion–
ships.' '
Refe rring to th e ma la ise into
which religion in Br itain has fa ll en,
he commentcd : ' 'There has becn a
shift of consciousness, a shift from a
socie ty which felt itself dependen!
upon God to a society which be–
lieves it can shape its own future.
Life is no longer nasty, brutish and
sho rt as it was until compa ratively
recently a nd ma n with o ma ny
mo re years a t his disposal be li eves
he can creatc the conditions which
will mee t his needs. Of course. there
a re still gaps to be fill ed but he no
longer looks to God to fill them."
How has thi s ma la ise come
a bout?
Religion a Thing of
the Past?
The re is a very common assump–
tio n among students o f reli gion that
modern ma n can get along pc rfectly
we ll without a ny re ligious creed to
gove rn his life. Pro fessor Peter Ber–
ger says in his book
Rumour of An–
"Wha tever the situa tion may
have been in the past. today the
supe rnatura l as a meaningful reality
is a bsent or remo te from the ho ri–
zons o f everyday life o f la rge num–
bers, very probably of the majority ,
of peopl e in mode rn socie ti es, who
seem to manage to get along with–
out it quit e well. "
is again t this background o f
a lmos! to ta l
tha t the
decl ine ín thc impact of religion in
Britain and th e Western wo rld as a
who le must be examined . In con–
trad iction to the views exp ressed
above, the re is no reason to be li eve
tha t t he supe rna tura l need be any
mo re absent or remo le from the
horizons of eve ryday li fe of mos t
people today than it was six thou–
sand yea r ago. lfthe re is some thing
a t fa ul t. it is in the re ligion.
Are the Churches on Their
Last Legs?
In his book.
"The Church in
Age of Revolution,"
Alee Vidle r
commented on the decade afte r
1960: " AII in all. whil e the Churches
ha ve survived a nd their future is
still open , it can ha rdly be said tha t
they have revived in such a way as
to o fre r a n assurance ro the d is–
pass ionat e obse rver tha t they will
not become me re surviva ls in a
world tha t will have no further use
for th em. ...
"Christopher Dawson once ob–
se rved that ' men today a re di vided
between those who have kept thc ir
s pi ritua l roots a nd los t the ir contact
with the ex isting o rde r o f socie ty.
a nd those who have preserved thc ir
socia l cont acts and lost the ir spiri–
tu a l roots.' To survey the histo ry of
th e Church si nce the French Revo–
lution is to be made awa re of this
schism in the souls o f mode rn ma n
and in the souls of many Chris tian
men . lt does not ena bl e one to say
with confidence whe ther or no t the
schism can be hea led.' '
Twenty-fi ve m ill ion peopl e in
Brita in are membe rs of the Church
of Engla nd . Millions more cla im
mem be rship in o th er c hurches.
whe the r Protesta n! o r Ca tholic. But
the vast majority have chosen to
preserve " th eir socia l contacts and
have lost their spiritua l roots." They
fi nd the Church has very little to
o ffe r t hem.
For those laymen who still attend
chu rch regularly, there is a growing
a nd dange rous gul f be tween the cx–
pe r ts in the un iversities a nd the
cle rgy on the one ha nd a nd the ordi–
na ry layman on the o the r.
Theology in the uni versiti es is be–
coming more a nd mo re remo te from
t he inte rests a nd concerns of th e
ma n on the st reet. Sma ll wonder,
then , that so ma ny fee l the churches
a nd re lig ion have little if a ny thing
to o ffer th em.
Can Britain Claim to Be
With declining attend ance fi gures
a nd fewer tra in ing for th e ministry.
it is obvious that the churches are in
Recently, Mr. Harry Mo rton, a
fo rmer presi den! o f the Methodist