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(Continued ji·om pa¡?,e 1)
cha pter o f the book o f Hebrews are:
" But now we see no t yet a ll things
[the whole uni verse] put under him
That is fo r the future. In this con–
lex t the writer is spea king o f things
in " lhe world to come" (verse 5) .
The "world to come" will nol be put
in subj ection to the a ngels. Then he
proceeds lo reveal thal lh e e nlire
unive rse will, then , be pul in sub–
jection unde r man .
But the scriptura l revela tion is
t ha t man will th en be cha nged from
morta l to immo rta l - from fl esh and
blood mate ri a l composition to spirit
compositio n - then immo rtal.
Continue. now, in Hebrews 2 .
We see no t yet the universe pul
under ma n, ' 'But we sec Jesus, who
was made a littl e lower tha n th e
angels fo r the suffe ring o f dea th.
crowned wilh g lory and honor ....
For it became him. for whom a re a ll
things [all thc unive rse], a nd by
whom a re a ll things, in bring ing
many sons unto glo ry [in a sta te of
immo rta lity]. to make the ca p ta in of
the ir sa lvat ion perfect th rough suf–
fe rings. For both he that sanctifie th
a nd they who a re sanctified are a ll
o f one: fo r wh ich cause he is not
as hamed to ca ll them bret hren ..."
(verses 9- 11 ).
T hose who a re to ga in sa lvation –
e terna! life in the Kingdom of God
- are call ed sons of God , even as
Chris t is ca lled the Son o f God . He
is sa id to be " the first born among
ma ny b re thren" (Roma ns 8:29). H e
is thus portrayed as the ca pta in o f
their salva tion - the pionee r - who
has gone on a head . by a resurrec–
tion from the dead , a nd now, as he ir
of the universe, he sustains the entire
universe by the word ofhis power.
Wh a t a s tupend o u s, mind –
ex pa nd in g. seeming ly inc re dibl e
he ritage fo rma n! Yet the scriptures
ca ll those who have rece ived t he
PLAIN TRUTH December 1974
Ho ly Spirit of God he irs. and joint–
he irs with Christ (Romans 8 : 16- 17).
Now, mo re s pecifically, what is
the connection with the qucstions
rega rding the planets of oute r space.
a nd whether they are inha bited?
This same 8th chapter o f Roma ns
throws considerable light on tha t
ma tte r. These particula r verses a re
no l made clear by the King Ja mes
tra nslation from the origina l G reek.
The word "creature" should have
been translated "creation." The Re–
vised Sta ndard translation clea rs it
up, as does thc Moffatt.
Continuing right on from lhe
verse quoted, in the RSV. showing
man. through salvation, the he ir of
God, and therefo re of the unive rse:
" I consider tha l the sufferings o f
this present time a re not wo rth com–
pa ring with the glory that is to be
r evea led to u [in us, Autho rized
Ve rsion] .' Fo r the creation [uni verse)
wa its with eager longing for lhe re–
vea ling of the sons of G od ; for the
creation was subj ected to futilit y,
not of its own will but by the will of
him who subj ected it in hope; be–
cause the crca lion i tse lf will be set
free frorn its bondage to decay [as
pl a ne ts now are - even as our
moon] a nd obtain the glorious lib–
e rty of the children of God . We
know tha t the who le creation has
been g roaning in lravail toge the r
until now; and not only th e c re–
a tion , but we ourse lves, who have
the first fruits of the Spirit, groan
inwa rdly as we wa it fo r adoption as
sons. the redemp tion of our bod ies."
This last sentence, more correctly
tra nslated by Moffatt: " . ..but even
we ourselves. who have the Spirit as
a foretaste of the future, even we
sigh deeply to ourselves as we wait
fo r the redemption o f the body t ha t
means our full sonship" (verse 23).
lt is not becoming a n adopted son –
but a fuUy- bo rn son o f God . Why
no t request our free bookle t
What Do You Mean Born Again?
Wha t is here revealed , o r strongly
implied , is th a t the planets o f the
en tire unive rse a re like our moon,
una ble to sust ai n life, vi rtu a lly
was te and empty, subj ected to futi–
lity as of now, in decay. bu t so sub-
j ected by God in hope. For, when
God 's purpose in having put hu–
manity on this ea rth is comple ted .
unto ld m illions of huma ns sha ll
have become fully-born sons of the
living God - then composed of
spirit - then divine as God is divine
- bo rn into the very fa mily o f God ,
which , ruling the universe, will be
the Kingdom o f God .
God. first of a lL is Creato r. Those
who receive tha t sal va tion will be–
come c reators . Pl a ne ts will be
turn ed inlo beautiful, prod uctive
plane ts, susta ining li fe. New life will
be created.
Second to being Crea tor. God is
rul er. God susta ins and preserves
wha t he crea tes by his government.
G od is the a ulhor of beauty, o f
light, o f peace, o f ha ppiness and joy.
The government of G od once
ruled this earth. The re was peace.
bea uty, happiness. But rebellious
ange ls rej ected tha t government.
This truth leads into the very ca use
of a ll the evils in this wo rld - a nd
thc cause th a t will produce. as
G od 's doing - not ma n's - wo rld
peace and everyth ing g lo rious a nd
bea utiful.
God sent a glo ri ous message to
ma nkind some 1900 years ago by
his son Jesus Chris t. Tha t message
was the only true gospe l o f Christ. lt
incl uded what l have written he re –
a nd rnuch more !
was rej ected .
a nd anothe r and differ ent fa lse
"gospel" was pul out to a dece ived
wo rld . The true gospel was not pro–
cla imed to the world a fte r the fi rst
centu ry.
T he reader might be enlightened
by a new bookle t 1 am now writing,
The Only True Cospel, and How
Was Suppressed.
After publica tion it
wi ll be o ffe red gra tis, o f course, to
our entire ma iling li st. Please with–
hold your requests until then .
will expla in what sci ence has
been una ble to discove r - wha t reli–
gion has overlooked - a nd what
educa tion has never taught - the
rea l cause of the wo rld 's evils, th e
way to world peace, the purpose o f
huma n Life on the earth. l t is the
true gospel this world has never
heard fo r 18\lí centuries. O