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freezing. Blood is drained and re–
placed with a sort of antifreeze solu–
tion. The body is placed into a ten–
foot-long capsule full of liquid ni–
trogen, whi ch is kept at 32 1 degrees
below zero Fahrenheit. And instead
of being buried six feet under in a
cemetery plo t, the thermos-bottle–
like capsule is stored in a vault
which will be opened sometime in
the distant future when medica)
science. hopefully, will have tbe
ability to thaw out the body , cure
the cause of death of the deceased
Cryonics society member, and re–
sto re him or her to life.
Superficially, this sounds tremen–
dously intriguing. But as experts a re
quick to point out. a nd objective
Cryonics society me mbers are
forced to admit, the sta tist ical odds
aga inst its work ing are phenomenaL
Why won't it actua lly work? Be–
cause the undeniable reality is tha t
a human body is programmed to
die. Even if disease could be vir–
tually eliminated, along with stress
a nd poor di ets (major fac tors that
contribute lo death), we wou ld still
die. From the very moment of birth
man's days are numbered .
Programmed to Die
Basic life-supporting cells in the
human body divide just so many
times. They reach a divisioning
limit, approximately 50 times for
certain main types of ce lls, after
which all doubling ceases. This in–
boro aging factor puts a limit on
ma n's life span. Cell deterioration.
tissue deterioration. orga n deterio–
ration and body deterioration end–
ing in death is inevitable.
This programmed pbysical dete–
rioration begins to increase dramati–
cally in the average healthy human
at a round age 40. Taste ability, con–
stantly on the decline, now begins to
dramatically decrease. The abi lity to
hear high-pitched tones diminishes.
A noticeable drop in visual acuity
occurs. More importantly, the vita l
o rgans such as the heart. lungs, kid–
neys and liver increasingly malfunc–
With aging, hardening of the ar-
PLAIN TRUTH December 1974
teries increases markedly. Blood
pressure climbs. Bones gradu ally
lose mo re and more calcium. They
become fragi le and subject to break–
age, even with relatively minor fa lls.
Overall body reftexes become
slugg ish wit h age. The conduct ion
speed of n erve impulses slows. Brain
cell de terio ration, constantly occur–
ring throughou t life, reaches a mo re
critica! point. Memory starts fading.
life. But contrary Lo what the an–
cients thought a nd what many
today will be shocked to find out,
hope in having a possible afterlife
through a n immortal soul is just a
T he rel igious source of belief of
mill ions - the Bible - surely ought
to be the most authorita ti ve and re-
{]{]Rea/ity is undeniable. You are
going to die. And when you die, you are
dead. Al/ the billions of dollars in
the world won't alter that fact.
Al/ of man
technology and
research can't change it.
ncreasing memory loss fo r recent
events occurs. The a bility to acquire
new learning a nd cope with psycho–
logical stress declines.
As physica l a nd psycho logica l de–
terioration mounts, the ability to
shake off and resist disease weakens.
At this point the way of all ft esh
d raws nigh - death rears its ugly
Cryonic suspension doesn' t a lter
th is deat h cycle. Those bodies which
are frozen are frozen after death.
Proper hea lth care, includ ing a
proper diet and the elimi nation of
disease. may pro long life sub–
stantially, but it doesn't solve agi ng
and eventual death.
Plastic s urgery. skin stretching
and the heavy use of cosmetics and
hair dyes may give a more youth ful
appea rance for a time, but the inner
process of aging and inev itable
death continues nonstop.
Al this point, one might be in–
clioed to forget trying to prolong life
or live forever in th e ftesh and begin
to pender what happens after death
and whether or not there is an after-
liable source on such a subject as an
And. indeed, the Bible does peak
out on the subject. According to
Scripture, the dead don 't hear a ny–
thing, see anything, think anything
or know anyth ing. They have no
knowledge that they ever existed.
They have no awareness of any
kind, pe riod.
The dead are dead. Man does not
ha ve sorne kind of an immortal soul
that lives on after the body dies.
The Bible records the fo llowing
fact: "For the living know that they
shall die: but the
neither have they any
more a reward: for the memory of
them is fo rgotten. Also their !ove.
and their hatred, and their envy, is
now perished . .." (Ecclesiastes 9:5-
talking about someone
who dies, the Bible says: "His
breath goeth forth, he returneth to
his ca rth ; in that very day
(Psa[m 146:4).
The Bible absolutely confirms
beyond the shadow of a doubt that