hundred years, anthropologists have searched for the
"missing links" to man's ancestry. Many have been proposed.
But the "missing link"
long overlooked by scientists
stands revealed. Read the proof in this surprising article.
Paul W. Kroll and Gene R. Hughes
often wondered
where you carne from? That is,
who are your ancestors - not
of one huodred or two hundred years
ago, but of one - two- .five
years ago
And what of the possibility that your
ancestors go back 35,000 years, or
600,000 years, or three
Until about ooe hundred years ago,
the prevailing idea was that tbe human
family was only about six tbousand
years old. But sorne had different ideas.
The Birth of Evolution
Charles Lyell, a geologist, was ooe.
He had a few devoted followers. Lyell
claimed to see much
in the geologi–
cal record - much, much more time
than had been previously accepted.
Another outspoken giant of his time
was Charles Darwin. He proposed
as the process by which all things
carne to
as they are.
Most, at the time, were violently
opposed to Darwin. But the generation
of opposers died out. Young scientists,
imbued with the revolutionary idea of
man's evolution, occupied the univer–
sities, did research and wrote books.
Today, few scientists of note would
believe in the literal account of Genesis.
Few believe that life aod man wtre
created. A popular book on the supject
sums up the idea:
"The story of creation, as told in the
Bible, is a fine case in point. It is sel–
dom taken literally now." (F. Clark
Early Man,
New York: TIME·
LIFE Books, 1968, p. 10.)
Today, there are multiple hundreds
of archaeological sites the world over.
Courte&y of American
ol Naturol Hlstory
And the fossils are often found in
droves. Who, for example, has not
heard of Neanderthal Man, of Peking
Man, of Java Man, of
of the Heidelberg jaw, of the Taungs
baby, of Cro-Magnon Man?
These names are familiar to nearly
evecy student.
Such a mountain of bones, artifacts,
and new dating methods has, it would
seem, buried the Bible. Writer Philip
Van Doren Stern could confidently
state in 1969:
"Prehistocy was on the way in the
1860's, marching in step with Darwin
and bis supporters. Earth taken from
excavation after excavation was burying
the meo who still insisted that the Bible
was the only reliable guide to the
antiquity of man." (Philip Van Doren
Prehistoric Europe,
New York:
W. W. Norton, 1969, page 108.)
What then of the fossil record of
early man? Who are our ancestors?
What Puzzled Darwin
For practica! purposes, there was no
fossil evidence for human evolution in