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every American ought to retlect,
with heartfelt concern, on our na–
tional shortcomings as well as on
our God-given national blessings.
How to Make Thanksgiving
There is nothing wrong with good
food , family reunions and football
games on Thanksgiving Day. But a ll
too many use t hese act i vit ies
wrongly and forget the purpose for
the holiday. While millions else–
where in the world join the army of
the starving, most Americans wi ll
eat far more food than necessary.
Few, however, will stop to give
God heartfelt thanks for this food -
even on Thanksgiving Day.
As we observe Thanksgiving Day
this year, we need to stop and so–
berly reftect on why we have so
much, why we are losing it so fast,
aod where we are headed. Why are
America's (or the world's) economic
and social problems so seemingly
without solution? Why does Amer–
ica get blamed for so many of the
world's problems? (Our free book,
The United States and British Com–
monwealth in Prophecy.
will help an–
swer these q uestions. Send your
request to the office nearest you.)
Thanksgiving is not jus t for
Americans and should not be Jim–
ited to one day ayear. Thanksgiving
should be a daily occurrence for all
of us.
Now as never before, we need to
stop and thank God for the many
blessings we still have - and change
from our selfish and arrogant ways
so that the blessings we have Jost
can be restored.
If we fail to change our nationa l
direction and if we fail to acknowl–
edge God as supreme ruler and
giver of our national wealth, he will
surely "withdrawe his present he lp
from us, [and] wee
sha/1 be
made a
story and a by-word through the
The past months and years reveal
an America beset with many grow–
ing troubles. Could God be with–
drawing "his present help" from us
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1974
These are all the
tools you need
to improve your
Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible is a NOW book . lt is
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by letting the Bible interpret itself. There are twelve monthly
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absolutely free. Why not enroll today7 Just send your request
to the address nearest you. (See
nside front cover for address .)