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Challenging this view, the Turk–
ish Energy
Natural Resources
Minister. Fahit Kayra. recently
stated: "A continental shelf is a
country's natural extension to the
sea. Oil wells that are in this natural
extension definitely belong to that
country. In this piece of Iand which
belongs lo Turkey. th·e Council of
Ministers has every right to issue oil
prospecting licenses to the Turkish
petroleum companies."
Pronouncements in Greek papers
have made
clear that "if Turkey
attemps to violate Greek sovereign
rights in the Aegean even by an
inch. she would meet tbe decisive
reaction of the G reek Armed
A Volatile Area
Every indication is that during
the immediate weeks and months
ahead, the eastern Mediterranean
area will remain highly explosive.
Fear and hatred do rule on Cy–
prus today. No formula for settling
the dispute wiiJ likely satisfy all par–
ties involved. Greece and Turkey -
even apart from Cyprus - have a
centuries-old history of strife. The
Aegean oil crisis could provide the
spark that would ignite another war
between these two ancient antago–
For the United States.
she gives o r action she takes in the
a rea seems fraught with danger. For
no matter what America does or
does not do
this crisis, she is al–
most certain to be accused of prej–
A swelling tide of anti -American–
ism became obvious in both Greece
and Cyprus soon after the Turkish
invasion. Two Athens newspapers
known for their strong pro-West
sentiments have recently done an
about-face. Now, they are advocat–
ing that since the West was unwill–
ing to help Greece face the Turkisb
challenge, the Greek government
should turn to the Soviet Union for
The shooting of Ambassador
Roger Davies added a bloody excla–
mation point to a fact that has long
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1974
been evident: In such conflicts as
the Cyprus war, the United States
cannot satisfy al! sides even if it
wants to.
Oiplomacy Fails
In a world filled with hatred and
violence. a world where truth and
61, led Cyprus to independence
from Britain in 1960. He served
as the republic 's president from
that time until last July when
Cypriot troops encouraged by
Greek army officers overthrew
the government of the island.
reason are oflen perverted by all
sides to gain their objectives, much
more than selfish human govern–
ments and power are necessary to
bring about lasting peace.
As the British weekly.
The Econo–
recently pointed out: " ... the
chief lesson of this week's events is
that when a count ry thinks its army
can pul! off a quick smash-and-grab
it is fi able to leave the diplomats
and their fine adj ustments standing
on the sidelines .... The advantage
that modero technology gives to an
army with the local superiority of
power - with the bigger tank force,
with the air cover, with wheels to
cover the miles - means that it can
finish this business before the lum–
bering machinery of international
dissuasion even starts to go into ac–
tion ....
is the era of the smash-
and-grab raid, and people who do
not want to be grabbed will have to
take their precautions."
Plain Truth
has for over forty
years pointed out the need for inter–
vention by a high er power if man is
ever to have enduring peace.
When you hear the out-pourings
of hatc and bitterness that follow
and accompany such seemingly in–
soluble problems as the civil war in
Northern lreland, the Middle East
conftict, and the Cyprus tragedy. it
is well to stop and meditate on the
words of the creator of all human–
ity: "'Their mouth is full of curses
and bitterness.' 'Their feet are swift
to shed blood, in their paths are ruin
and misery, and the way of peace
they do not know.' 'There is no fear
of God before their eyes'" (RSV).
T hese verses. taken from the third
chapter of Romans in the New Tes–
tament, ought to teach - indeed.
sorne day will teach a chastened and
humbled mankind - that we cannot
have true peace and happiness by
going to war to achieve selfish na–
tional objectives. God alone knows
and reveals the way to peace - a
way which is based on surrender to
his rule of love and outgoing con–
cero for all mankind.
This great God has also proph–
esied specific events which shall oc–
cur in the Mediterranean area
within this generation. These star–
tling prophecies are not a matter of
sectarian interests or lofty idealisms.
T hey are concerned with the out–
come of current events in Europe
and the Middle East. T hey will have
a dramatic impact on your life
within the next decade.
deeper understanding of
the ultimate outcome of the prob–
lems now developing in the United
States, Europe and the Middle East,
write for our free books:
The Won–
derful World Tomorrow
Will Be Like,
The United States
and British Commonwealth in
Read them both carefully. Come
to understand where present events
are truly leading - and what it all