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Santiago, Chile for a meeting with
President Allende, August of last
year. Three weeks later he was as–
sassinated and the government
overthrown in a military coup
d'état. At that time I was in Leba–
non, in the Arab world, and three
weeks later the Arab-lsraeli October
war started. At that time
was in
Bangkok, and three weeks later that
government was overthrown by a
massive 200,000 student uprising
and revolt. The rector of the univer–
sity who had attended my speech at
a dinner
Bangkok was appointed
by the king as the new prime minis–
ter. Again, this past May 21 , this
prime minister's cabinet resigned
and walked out and the prime min–
ister with them. I was in Bangkok
when it happened. The king asked
the prime minister to stay on; that
same evening, and the next day, the
most crucial day of his life, the
prime minister gave me more than a
half hour of his time in a personal
prívate meeting.
There was also another major
govern men t crisis in A t hens,
Greece, last year. Now see what's
been happening
July 24, the Greek military gov–
asking the potitical
civilian government to come back.
When the military regime overthrew
the Greek government in 1967, I
was in Athens that same day.
Ju ly 16 a military coup d'état
overthrew the government of Cy–
prus and drove out Archbishop Ma–
karios, the president. The Turks
started a war, landing troops and
paratroops on Cyprus. U.N. and
United States pressure brought a
"cease tire" which, as usual, did not
cease immediately.
There was the recent overthrow of
the government of Portugal. In Ja–
pan, Prime Minister Tanaka, with
whom I have had three prívate
meetings, just barely avoided seeing
his government toppled. There was
the Willy Brandt debacle
Germany, anda new government in
France. There was the recent oust–
ing of the Conservative government
in Britain. And on and on the over–
throwing of governments goes.
Then July 24, the Supreme Court
of the United States issued its unan–
imous decision that President Nixon
must surrender another 64 White
House tapes. That decision, in my
judgment, is what toppled Mr.
Nixon from power. Among
tapes, undoubtedly, was the real
evidence Mr. Nixon was hoping
would never be seen. This, undoubt–
edly, was the evidence that would
have made certain his impeachment
by the House of Representatives
and his conviction by the Senate.
On Monday, August 5, Presiden!
Nixon made the public statement of
guilt that made inevitable his re–
lease of the reins of power.
Of course when a government
falls, it is immediately replaced, and
another takes over. But when gov–
ernments topple like dominoes , it
ought to soberly
us that
things are wrong on earth - that,
truly, we are now in the end-time of
this present world and its civ–
ilization, so filled with evils.
I would like to ask our readers, as
did our new President Ford in his
acceptance speech, that you pray
earnestly for the new President. I
exhort therefore, that, first of aU ,
supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks be made for al!
men, for kings, and for al! that are
in authority; that we may lead a
q uiet and peaceable life in all godli–
ness and honesty.
And, as Mr. Ford also asked,
our readers to pray for ex-Presiden!
Nixon and his fami ly. They have
sulfered beyond what you know.
1 should like to say here that, in
my discussions with heads of state
and high government officials
around the world, the subjects of
Waterga te and President Nixon do
occas ionally come up. On the
Watergate matter, 1 usually sidestep
it as an interna!, domestic problem
within the United States. But I have
found that Mr. Nixon has been
highly respected in most countries
as a President who did an out–
standing job working for world
peace. Certainly 1 have always tried
to uphold the United States and put
our country
the most favorable
possible light in the eyes of other
governments. That very elfort was
largely responsible for my receiving
from the emperor and government
of Japan the decoration of the high–
est honor ever conferred by them on
a non-official alíen.
This fall of the Nixon administra–
tion ought to sober us - ought to
strike home to our people in the
United States, and all the world as
well, that the entire world's civ–
ilization is
There has been, of course, the
tendency to ignore or make light of
sobering bíblica! prophecies pictur–
ing this very world plight, and, more
importan!, revea ling the
and the
That is a very foolish
and foolhardy tendency.
The handwriting is on the wall.
The wise will recognize it.
Nations are toppling. Crime is
rampant and escalating worldwide.
Families and home life are crum–
bling - and a solid family structure
is the basis of any stable society.
Divorces and broken families are on
a most alarming increase. Morals
are in the cesspool. Nudity and por–
nography are not only being toler–
ated, but also gaining acceptance.
Permissiveness reigns among juve–
niles . Even nature is angry -
droughts, ftoods, tornados rampage.
Famine spreads alarmingly. The
poor get poorer, the hungry hun–
grier, and starvation significantly in–
creases. Violence fills the earth as in
the days of Noah.
There is of necessity a cause!
is the
Üur Creator
revealed himself and the needed ba–
sic knowledge to our first parents.
They, and humanity ever since, re–
jected that basic knowledge.
PLAIN TRUTH September 1974