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a temple. but of an auditorium to
serve not only for college functions.
but also for the services ofthe World–
wide Church of God.
Solomon's temple was built at Je–
rusalem, which God had chosen as
his headquarters city. But for cen–
turies Jerusalem has not been God's
earthly headquarters city. Biblical
revelation shows God will yet again
choose Jerusalem as his earthly head–
quarters. But the headquarters for
the present , for the work of God,
proclaiming Christ's true gospel of
the Kingdom ofGod worldwide. and
PLAIN TRUTH August 1974
for his college, is at Pasadena, CaJi–
The college seriously needed an
auditorium. The church for the time
being had to rent an auditorium off
The though t - or q uestion - came
to mind:
would it
be God's will to
build a house for his name, to serve
the purposes of both his church and
his college, at his temporary, but
present headquarters?
I repeat, the thought was not for a
temple, but a dual-purpose audito–
rium. Yet if it were to be "built for
God's name," dedicated to his honor
and glory, it would haveto be
the very
1did know that,
God wanted it to
be a place for his name, nothing less
than the finest we could build in
modern design could justJy reftect the
honor and glory of one so great. 1
noticed that David said, " ... the
house that is to be builded for the
Lord must be exceeding magnificent ,
of fame and glory throughout all
countries" (1 Cbronicles 22:5).
So, although 1 realized that Pasa–
dena is only a